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"GET THE MAIL BOY!"vernon screams at harry. 

"How long did you stay in the cupboard harry"euphemia asks sweetly which makes everyone in the hall shiver. "Um...about uh...a month i guess?"harry says which creates rage in all his friends, parents and aunta and uncles.No one decided to say anything but it would not take a genius to figure out they all are planning murder of a certain family.

 Harry goes out and sees the letters until he finds one for himself.Shocked and surprised he sees the letter is from hogwarts and keeps it in his hand while giving vernon the rest.

"YAYA HE GOT THE LETTER"the marauders, and girls shout while regulus and delaney just chuckle. Harry blushes while leo just kisses his cheek...again.

"Dad Harry's got a letter"dudley tells and snatches the letter from harry's hand.


"Hey! give it to me that's mine!"harry tries to take the letter but vernon takes it and laughs to himself "who will be writing to you" and sees hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. "PETUNIA!PETUNIA!" he shows her the letter and she looks just as horrified as him."BOTH OF YOU GET OUT RIGHT NOW!"HE SHOUTS. "But what's in the letter?!""Hey give me back my letter"dudley and harry scream while they are shooed from the room. 

"ARGGHHH WHY DO THEY EXIST!"Lily screams and marlene has to calm her down. meanwhile future kids just look at harry and try hard not to cry.

The next day as more and more letters keep appearing Vernon is seen locking the door, grinding letters in mixer and doing anything to keep the letters away from harry. One day .."Ah what a lovely day today!"he laughs "can you tell me why dudley"he asks "Because there's no post on sundays"harry tells. "Yes"and laughs until hundreds of letter enter into the room through the window and the horrified faces of the dursleys and harry jumping to catch a letter is seen.

"how cute"leo whispers to harry. "ADORABLE"myra, alice and lily scream which causes harry to blush even more."Got yourself in a nice position mate"ron teases.

Vernon pulls haary back takes away the letter and soon he is seen sitting in the backseat of the car. Vernon drives to them to hut in the middle of a large water boy. "No one can get you here nor send you letters" and goes off. Harry is seen drawing himself a birthday cake on the floor and just as dudley's watch dings 12 he sings "happy bday to me happy bday to me..blow the candles harry" and he blows when suddenly bangs are heard on the door. 

Delaney and james look at each other promising mentally that they'll make sure harry gets best bdays ever.

After thrice or four times the door blows open and a giant like man is seen standing with hairy beard. Vernon comes down with a gun while petunia cowers behind him."YOU CANNOT COME HERE LIKE THIS" "oH SOD OF DURSLEY" the giant-like man says.

"HAGRID"the hall shouts excitedly. Delaney looks at hagrid and smiles brightly while hagrid blushes.

 juST as he is about to talk to haary vernon interrupts "WE SWORE WE WON'T TOLERATE THIS KIND OF THING WHEN WE TOOK HIM IN"

"What in merlin's name in wrong with him and what the hell does he mean by not tolerating magic"delaney says venomously.Even myra and reglus shiver and dare not say anything until a hand on her shoulder naturally calms her down though makes her jump a little. "We will take revenge but calm down love"james says softly and delaney moves a little yet calms down and james looks at the seat as if questioning whether he should sit or not. "I cannot promise that i wont kill you but no one else can do anything"delaney says so james sits next to her.Remus, Sirius, Marlene, Lily, Alice, Myra, Regulus his parents, professors and future kids look lovingly at the scene while delaney thinks 'As much as i know i should not to this, maybe i should not worry about that right now what's bound to happen will happen though'.

 "THIS BOY HAS DONE WONDERS AND YOU SAY YOU WONT TOLERATE THIS!!" hagrid rages back. "I AM NOT GOING TO PAY SOME OLD CRACK FOOL-""NEVER, NEVER INSULT ALBUS DUMBLEDORE INFRONT OF ME!"hagrid says while pointing the end of his umbrella at dursley. "You're a wizard harry" "I'm a what?""A wizard" "But im cant be a wizard...i'm-i'm just harry""well just harry have you done things you couldn't explain" harry thinks of all the times he has done things he could never explain how he did. Harry's thinking makes hagrid smile and tell "See you are a wizard harry. A great one might I add ofc your parents..they were some of the greatest people i have ever known" "My parents...""they died protecting you havent you wondered from where you got that scar from"hagrid questions looking at him. 

Delaney and james look sadly at harry while he says, "It's ok, i love you guys a lot".

"They died in a car crash"harry replies sadly when hagrid shouts"CAR CRASH!? THEY WERE KILLED BY THE DARKEST WOZARD OF OUR TIMES AND THEY DIES PROTECTING YOU AND THESE PIGS TOLD YOU THEY DIES BY A CAR CRASH?!" "well we had to tell him something"petunia speaks. "YOU KNEW, YOU KNEW IM A WIZARD AND NEVER TOLD ME!"Harry screams. "Oh i very well knew what you were the moment i laid my eyes on you..just like my sister you are just a freak"petunia speaks with disgust dripping out.

If looks could kill, girls and james, sirius, remus and regulus would be in azkaban right now.

"Oh btw..happy bday harry..baked you something myself"hagrid tells and gives harry a box. Harry sees a cake and smiles so bright..dudley tries to eat so hagrid gives him a pig's tail. Hagrid takes harry and says "let's go to buy you supplies".

"WOOHOO DIAGON ALLEY"James, leo and sirius scream. Delaney and james mouth 'thank you' to hagrid.

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