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[That Halloween night, the great hall has floating Jack O'Lanterns in place of the candles. Leo notices an empty spot on the bench.]

Leo: Where's Hermione?Neville: Parvati Patil said that she wouldn't come out of the girl's bathroom. She said that she'd been in there all afternoon, crying.

The great hall looks at ron and he shrinks into hermione under their gazes.

[Harry glances at Ron with a disapproving look on his face; Ron shrugs. Suddenly, Professor Quirrell comes running into the Great Hall in panic.]

"He looks like he's gonna faint"Sirius and james snicker while delaney and remus roll their eyes and smack them at their head. 

Quirrell: TROLL! IN THE DUNGEON! T-TROOLLL IN THE DUNGEON! [Dumbledore rises from his seat in concern. Everyone looks at Quirrell and he stops and there is utter silence.] Thought you ought to know.

[Quirrell passes out in fear. The great hall goes silent, and then everyone freaks out, screaming and running. Leo frantically holds harry's hand with a look as if he was scared he would lose him]

"told you" sirius and james said. "oH shut up"delaney says while staring at the scene as if she is trying to figure out something.

Dumbledore: SILLLLLEEENNNNCEEEEE! [Everyone stops and calms down.] Everyone will please not panic! Now, prefects will lead their house back to the dormitories. Teachers will follow me to the dungeons.Girl: Hufflepuff, this way!Boy: Stay together!

[Snape looks aghast, and he walks out through a doorway. A bit later, Percy is leading the Gryffindors down a dark corridor.]

"that's a very sussy look severus"myra mutters.snape looks at her in confusion but continues to watch in silence.

"Did you guys forget about hermione??"remus asks as everyone looks concerned. "not really papa" leo says.

Percy: Gryffindors, keep up, please, and stay alert!Harry: How could a troll get in?Ron: Not on its own. Trolls are really stupid. Probably people playing jokes. [Suddenly, Harry stops and pulls Ron and Leo aside.] What?Harry: Hermione! She doesn't know!

"finally someone remembers" hermione mutters but smiles softly at that memory

The three separate themselves from the crowd. They run down corridors. They start running down a hall when they stop because there's a grunting noise coming from a large shadow on the wall.]

Leo: I think the troll's left the dungeon!

[Leo pulls Ron and Harry into a doorway, they peer out to see a large, ugly troll thunks by into a room.]

Harry: It's going into the girl's bathroom!

"wait isnt hermione there?"euphemia asks with tery eyes as fleamont calms her down. "Dont worry Mrs.Potter hermione is safe and sound, that;s why she is here right"delaney says softly with a smile on her face. "Oh dear please call me mia"euphemia says, smiling and winking at her son who just looks at delaney like she has dropped from heaven. "DAD" harry says winking at his father.

[In the girl's bathroom, Hermione emerges from a stall, wiping her eyes. She stops when she sees something. The troll is standing there. Hermione backs up into the stall just as the troll raises its club and smashes the top part of the stalls. Hermione screams in terror. Harry and Ron come bursting in.]

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2023 ⏰

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