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Harry, Leo and Ron are seen walking towards the great hall doors. Front stands a witch in emerald robes. "Welcome to Hogwarts, the sorting ceremony shall begin shortly. I am professor McGonagall and I will be your transfiguration teacher and deputy headmistress. Now as you know from the founders of Hogwarts emerge four houses into which each of you will be sorted. They are Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff. Each house has its qualities and the sorting hat shall sort into." with the short speech the doors open and the first years follow her and see the sorting hat.

"The speech never changes Minnie "Sirius pouts. "At least that's better than speech at durmstrang, it makes you feel you are entering Atlantis there," Delaney says while rolling her eyes. People look at the interaction curiously but decide not to say it as the movies might reveal it later.

 As students get sorted, "Ron Weasley!" "Gryffindor" the hat shouts, "hermione granger!" after about a minute it says "Gryffindor"

the gryffindors cheer

 "Leo black!" "hmm..a black I see. I sense the cunningness and ambition but there's also chivalry and loyalty, now where to put you"the hat says "I want to make my parents proud" is all leo says "hmm..then I'll put you in GRYFFINDOR!"

"any house would make us proud of you Leo"remus says to leo smiling. "Yes yes any house except for slytherin"Sirius says and earns a smack from remus, James laughs at this and says "Well well padfoot, your son took after remus and regulus not you, he was almost gonna be in slytherin" Sirius looks offended while remus smack sirius' head again.

The hat shouts at the end. Weasleys are seen cheering for him loud he goes happily there. "Harry Potter!" harry nervously walks to the stool and as the sorting hat drops on his head he sees darkness. "mmm..interesting. You have got your mother's traits and your father's personality. I can see ambition and cunningness but bravery and courage stand quite bright too. Now where to put you?" the hat says. "I don't have much idea about my parents but you do I guess. Put me in the house where you think my parents would want me to be"harry says softly. "Hmm... Slytherin could do wonders for you but knowing your mother especially I think you should better be in. GRYFFINDOR" and the Gryffindor table erupted in cheers and loud shouts.

"What do you mean by knowing Delaney?"Lily asks cautiously. "Movies will expalin it"Harry says and looks at the screen. Delaney looks thoughtful again while harry tells her "Dont worry mom it is for good please dont feel guilty" and delaney just nods.

 Harry walks happily and sits between Leo and ron but also couldn't help but wonder what the hat meant and why everyone seems to put his mother in a light grey. Harry is seen going to his dorms and meeting his dorm mates Neville, dean and Seamus along with Ron. Surprisingly, Leo is in another dorm yet has made it look like he'll be staying here.

"Typical sirius" marlene mutters while leo and sirius look offended with similar expressions. Remus chuckles fondly at this.

 It's night and harry says to Hedwig "What is so special about my mother Hedwig? I don't know much about my dad either but something about my mother keeps my curiosity...I have a feeling she is always with me and she is the one protecting me sometimes you know, but I think I should find out more about her history you know? anyways good night Hedwig" and with that, he slept.

"You are much more than who i thought"james says to delaney softly. "I'm afraid you wont be happy with the revelation"she replied. "I love you and i doubt if it will change, except for maybe making me fall more for you"and delaney looks at him with such a surprise. "OKEY DOKEY IF YOU COUPLES ARE DONE LETS FOCUS ON THE SCREEN!"Myra shouts while james just smirks.

 The next morning  Harry, Leo and Ron reach late to the transfiguration class "Oof thank god she is not here. Imagine the look on the old woman's face if she saw us"Ron said and just then the cat transformed into McGonagall. "Well, Mr Weasley, Mr Potter, Mr Black should I turn one of you into the pocket watch so that you manage to come in time"we got lost professor," harry said "Perhaps a map then" and with that, the lesson continued.

"Oh my god my son is just like the marauders"delaney mutters while james and sirius smirk proudly and remus chuckles. 

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