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  It was a bright sunny day at Krocker High. Kids were running in the field, eating lunch and having a great time; their laughter echoing throughout the room. Everyone could be seen having a great time.

   Well...... Everyone except  for me who was furiously working my brain out trying to complete the last minute math homework in the cafeteria that I so conveniently forgot to do. My eyebrows where furrowed in concentration, moving my favorite pencil scribbled against the paper, not caring if it messed up my hand-writing. That was the least of my worries.

   "I told you that you should've completed that assignment weeks ago, Lily", My friend, Gorya, exclaimed with a shake of her head, scolding me like a parent would to their child. 

  This caused me to pause, lifting my head up and giving Gorya a glare. "Okay, mae. I will admit, I know I said that I would get it done earlier but ya know..... it slipped my mind!" I defended myself. Procrastination was a bitch.

  Gorya, shook her head, laughing slightly. "You should've listened to me Lils. Look, now you have to pay the price." 

  "Well not all of us are nerds like you Gorya." I shot back, a smile on my face as Gorya let out a gasp of offense.  "Who did you call 'nerd'?" Gorya demanded. 

  "I called you a nerd!" I laughed, scooting my chair away from Gorya who tried to grab me from the opposite side of the table. I crackled when she couldn't reach me. 

  "Take that back!" 








 "HA!" I exclaimed, pointing a finger at Gorya who sighed and sat back down, scooting her chair closer to the table. "I'm offended that you think that that trick would work on me. That's the oldest one in the book!" 

  Gorya only rolled her eyes with a light laugh. "Alright, you win. Continue on with your homework."

  This statement caused me to let out a sigh, resting my chin on the palm of my hand. "Yes mae." I said sarcastically,  my attention back onto math problems, narrowing my eyes at the paper. Staring. Staring. Before-

  "Argh! Why do we need to do this stuff?! It's not like I need to know the Pythagorean Theorem to be a-" I was unfortunately cut off by another girl joining our table. I paused mid-sentence, turning to stare at her.

  The new girl had long brown hair and a pink hair band to keep the hair from flying on her face. What was she doing here?

  "Hi. I'm Hana. I've just moved here today from the US." She introduced herself. 

    "My name is Gorya." Gorya greeted with a smile. Then, she turned to look at me who was still staring at Hana blankly. Gorya nudged me, snapping me out of my trance.

  "Oh, sorry. My name is Lyana. Lyana Adulyadej. But you can call me Lily for short." I blabbed, chewing on my pencil. Bad habit.  Hana smiled.

  "Why are you doing your homework alone?" Hana asked Gorya, making me blink in offense. What am I- chopped liver?

 I cleared my throat dramatically. "What am I?" 

   Hana smiled sheepishly. "I take it then that you're close friends?"

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