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  I took a deep breath to calm my nerves as I put in the code for my locker. I opened it; and was not surprised when I saw a red card with three fancy "F" on the front. I grabbed it and stared, ignoring Gorya who was looking at me in concern. 

  I let out angry puffs, well aware of the crowd of people that had started to form around us. I crumbled the card, angrily shoving my stuff and slamming my locker door shut. Glancing at the door, I bolted; tossing the card at a near-by trash can and not caring if it made it in or not.

   I ran throughout the halls, my heart pounding and blood roaring in my ears. Good lord, so much for a quiet school year. Slowing down to a walk, my eyes scanning the hall.  Before I knew it, I was tumbling on ground. Ow.

  A series of irregular laughter followed soon after, and I spun my head around. "What are you guys? Kindergarteners?" I yelled, wincing in pain as the group of people ran away. I angrily snatched a volley ball and threw it as hard as I could towards them, smirking when it hit one on the head.

  "Karama's a bitch!" I yelled at their retreating backs. I groaned, slowly standing back up and blowing my bangs out of my eyes. 

  Suddenly, ice cold water spilled on my head, drenching me. I spit the water from my mouth and shook the wet towel that went down afterwards. I looked up, seeing those three girls laughing. When they noticed me, they gave me a glare and walked off, their fake laughter ringing throughout the halls and giving me a ear bleed.

  "Lily," I turned, startled, raising my fists to fight but relaxed when my brain registered Gorya.

   "Hey," I said dejectedly. "You shouldn't be seen with me. The last thing I want is for you to get the red card too."

  Gorya shook her head, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder. "That's the least of my worries. What would you do if I wasn't here?"

  I smiled sadly. "Don't worry about me. Just.... I think it's best if you keep your distance for the next few..... however long."

  Gorya looked ready to protest but I gave her a look. "Listen, it's for your own good." 

  It took some convincing, but Gorya finally agreed and left me alone to sulk in my own misery. I ran to the rooftop.

  Opening the door, I ran to the railing and screamed my heart out. "Those son of a bitches have gone crazy!!" I panted heavily, trying to calm myself down.

  "You know," A new voice startled me, making me spin around in fighting mode. It was a male. He was leaning against the wall, his hands in the pocket of his jeans and was staring at me in amusement. From his expensive designer clothes to his handsome looks; I knew immediately who he was: Ren. "This place used to be quiet until your recent visits."

  I rolled my eyes, setting my arms down back to my sides and studied him. "Oh I'm sorry, did I bother you?" I asked sarcastically, walking closer to him. 

  "You're..." He trailed off, leaning forward slightly. He studied my face, making me a bit self-conscious since I wasn't wearing any makeup. He was so close that I could literally count how many eyelashes he has. He smelled of lavender and light rain, and I couldn't help but bend away slightly. "Interesting." He finally stated, leaning back to the wall once more.

  I gawked at him, blinking rapidly. Okaayyy...?  "What's interesting?" When I didn't get an answer, I shrugged it off and decided to walk back down. I let out a yelp when his hand grabbed my wrist and pinned me back to the wall, his hand covering my mouth which muffled the noises of protest. 

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