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A/N: Sorry I was gone a while. Didn't have time to update because of SAT study and all that. Hope this chapter makes it up for u. P.S, check out "SxdneyHatake" very own fanfic of F4 thailand. Pretty sure it's a Thyme x oc but im not 100% sure since there's only around 5 chapters. The title is "Selcouth" if you are interested.  She's very sweet.


   I cursed myself for choosing to walk to school. My parents had offered me a ride, but I had declined, saying that I wanted to clear out my head. I was already having seconds thoughts and my house wasn't even out of eyesight now. 

  Mumbling curses to myself, I walked away, wishing my life wasn't so complicated. It seems as if god wasn't on my side today because I felt pairs of arms wrap tightly around my arms and pinned them behind my back. I screamed, but a hand covered my mouth and the next thing I knew, I saw black. 



  Smirking to himself, he felt proud of his accomplishment. There was no way that this idiotic girl would take down his generous offer that he was about to give. Waiting impatiently, his face twisted in annoyance, his eardrums bled from all the yelling he heard from upstairs.

  He half thought to send Mrs. Yue upstairs to tell the girl to shut-up, afraid that all this disturbance was going to be heard by his mother. Then, he shook his head rapidly, ruffling his hair madly. 

  He wasn't afraid- .

  Before he could have a mental mind battle between his own annoying thoughts, Mr. Lee, his attendant, greeted him with a bow. "Mr. Paramaanantra, she is ready."

  He smirked once more, straightening his expensive coat and pushing past him without another word. Once upon entering, Thyme almost tripped over his two feet, his eyes almost popping out of his sockets.

  There stood Lyana Adulyadej in all her glory, admiring herself in the mirror. She such radiated power and dominance that it made his stomach do a flip. He shook his head, regaining his posture; leaning against the doorway with his arms crossed, he finally decided to call the girl out.

  "Like it?" He asked in amusement. The girl, Lily, turned around so fast that her long dress swished, making her stumbled a little. Thyme's lip twitched just a little when he heard strings of profanities come out of her mouth. 

  "Hey you, why did you take me here and do this?" Lily whined.

  "Would it hurt for you to smile?" Thyme remarked, ignoring the shock he was feeling when she turned to face him. "You're ruining my dress." He saw Lily roll her eyes. Thyme tilted his head. "It cost me 5 million baht to work this on you."

  "5 million!?" She exclaimed in shock.

   "Spa, makeup, hair styling, and the dress- that's 1 million." He smirked, lifting himself off of the wall and walking towards her. "The diamond bracelet, ring, and necklace are worth 4 million. 5 million in total." 

  She pursed her lips, eyeing him warily. He could tell that her brain was working at a thousand miles an hour. She looks cute when she makes that face; he silently admits to himself. "What do you want?" She finally asked.

  "I want you." He said, then cringing inwardly. He didn't mean to say that, but what's done is done.

   "Me?" She asked, giving him a confused look.

  "Yes." He answered. "You know what? If you listen to me, I'll let you be my girlfriend."

    She did not answer, only giving him a look of disbelief. He took this as a sign to continue. "No matter where I go, you can be within a one-meter radius from me. When I eat, you can sit with me. Even better, you can find me anytime you want and be with me immediately. I can take you to and from school once a week. I can give you good snacks at school. I can even help you with homework if you need it. We can go to the best restaurants at Thailand for your birthday." His smirk widened. "You must feel really happy right now."

  "Happy?" She asked in disbelief. "Happy my ass!"

  Thyme furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, watching as she took off the jewelry that he secretly thought looked wonderful on her. "Thyme!" She called angrily, walking up to him, so close that he was able to count the many eyelashes she had. Thyme gulped a little, refraining himself from shuffling back. "I don't know what your brain is made of to think of all this bullshit, but you're actually delusional to think that I will accept your offer!"

   "You're not making any sense," He retorted, since that was the only thing his brain could think of at that moment. 

  "If you think I'll be your girlfriend, your brain is actually made of seaweed!" Thyme blinked in shock as he felt his body being pushed.

  "What did you just say?" He asked, walking closer. "Are you crazy? I'm just trying to do a quid..." He furrowed his eyebrows. "Quid p...." He pursed his lips. "How does the saying in Thai go?" He murmured to himself. 

  "Quo." He gave Lily a look. 

  "Are you stupid or stupid?" She asked, making him make a face. 

   "I'm not that fluent in Thai!" He defended himself. "Cut me some 'lack'!"


   He let out a frustrated groan, tugging his hair a bit before calming down. "Same thing! Just accept my offer! Take the things on you as an extra tip! Why are you making it so hard?"

  "I don't want them." Lily answered, pushing the bracelet against his chest. He glanced down, catching it. "You can have them back. Besides, I'm sure my family has more than enough money to afford these."

  He ignored that last comment. "No! Take my offer!" He stood his ground. Unfortunately, so did she. When his gaze locked with hers, he looked intensely into her eyes that shown a deep chocolate brown. "I don't want these things. And remember no matter how much money you spend, you can never buy me." Confusion swirled within him. "If I had these beautiful things but no integrity, I'd rather be the laughing stock of the school and be proud of myself."

  "What you're saying doesn't make sense!" Thyme commented, making hand gestures. "Don't lie and say you don't like them." He grabbed her arm before she could leave the room.

  "Stop! Stop!" She screamed. He payed that no mind, wrapping his arms around her tightly in an attempt to stop her from leaving. "Let go!" She commanded. He didn't listen. "As China's heir to the throne I command you to let go!"

  A flash of energy appeared around her and before Thyme could process it, he was once again on the floor. He groaned. He really hated that stupid necklace.

  When he glanced up, his blood boiled at Lily's satisfied smirk. "If you're so desperate to get a date, perhaps treat the opposite gender nicely so they don't want to run away the moment they see your face." 

    Thyme could only watch in shock at her retreating figure, his brain swirling at the words Lily had said, trying to make sense of them. 



Sorry I haven't updated in a while. Times are stressful. Anyways, this is a mixture of "Meteor Garden 2018". I wanted Thyme to make that same offer like Daoming Si did to Shancai. If you haven't watched that boys over flower adaption, you should watch it. It's available on Netflix. 

  Hope you enjoy.

Bye ;)

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