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 Okay, my parents are going to kill me. Actually, never mind my parents. They'd have to dig me up first because Gorya was going to murder me for being late. As if I wanted to be late. That mother fucker.

 Walking into class, I saw Gorya seated down and the rest of the class crowded on the white board; giggling and laughing. I didn't even have to look to know that they were bullying me.

 Paying them no mind, I took a seat next to Gorya who gave me a sad smile before her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Did you go to a salon?" She asked suspiciously. 

  My mind went back to earlier. "No?" I said, but it came out as more of a question than an answer. She gave me a look that screamed: I don't believe you.

  When the class noticed me, they parted and I rolled my eyes at the disgusting drawings for me to die. They were saying things like "no integrity but wants a rich husband" or "weed." 

  "Who wrote all this?" The leader of the gossip trio remark innocently. "I feel bad for the person being bullied. But if she can't take it..... just quit school."

     I rolled my eyes. 

  "Wait. She got a makeover." The other girl noticed, making me inwardly wince. "Who's it for? Trying hard to win you over a rich husband?"

  I sighed, running a hand in my curls in frustration. If only they knew. 

   Lucky, before anyone else could say anything, the teacher walked in and class started.

  During class, everyone was looking at the group chat and gossiping, pointing at me in shock. I read the comments, steam coming out of my ears as the minute passes.

  Finally, I took off my bag and banged it on the table, everyone stopping to look at me. I stood up and looked at the teacher. "May I use the restroom? I'm feeling sick. Must be the morning sickness."

  Without waiting for a response, I rushed out of the classroom and ran to the rooftop and screamed my heart out. "Jackasses! Fake news." I screamed. "So? What if I've been with 10 guys and got pregnant? It's my business. It's a modern age!" 

  Calming down, my hands shuffled in my pocket, looking for some sort of chocolate but didn't find any. I frowned, my mood instantly getting worse. 

   "What kind of person shouts those stuff from the rooftop?" I cringed at the familiar voice and slowly turned around to see Ren looking at me in amusement. "You're strange." He walked closer to me.

   I mumbled something under my breath. "What?" He asked. 

  "Nothing," I answered. "Why do I always bump into you?"

  He raised an eyebrow. "That's like asking why you always get in trouble." He snorted.

  I raised my hands up in defeat. "Fair."

   Ever since that night when I broke down in Ren's arms, we've become closer. I'd even say that we're friends now. One thing I learned about Ren is that he's a reserved person. Not that I minded. 

  "Oh well," He snickered. "Even someone like Thyme got kicked by you."

  "I didn't kick him," I retorted regretfully. "I wanted to."

  He let out an amused laugh before ruffling my hair. I whined in annoyance and slapped his arm away, fixing my bangs that covered my eyes.

  "It was close enough." He said. 

  "By the way," I started. "I haven't thanked you for the other day at the storage room. Thank you."

   He turned to look at me, a look of concentration on his face. "Did you get a-"

  I raised a finger up to his lips to shush him. His eyes followed my movement. "Don't ask." I ordered. He locked eyes with me before they flickered to my finger that was still on his lips. I slowly get go. 

  He shook his head and let out a small laugh. "Let me ask you a different question then. If you flew from France at 5 a.m, what time would you arrive in Thailand?"

  I thought about it. "You'd have to work out the time difference." I answered. "I was never good at doing that."

  "Never mind," He murmured, his gaze back on the scenery.

  "Is it because of Mira?" I asked, a small smile on my face. It only grew wider when I saw the blush of red appearing on his cheeks. "It is!" I crackled, coming closer and poking on his dimple as he laughed.

  "How did you-?" 

  "I didn't," I remarked. "I thought about it. It would make sense. The only person I know that's in France would be Mira. I took a wild guess and thought that she would be your childhood friend or crush or whatnot. Hey! I was correct!"

  He shook his head in disbelief.  "You got it correct right to the tea." 

   I smirked, ruffling his hair. "Of course I did. I have a brain."

  "So," I said. "Tell me about Mira."

  He looked at me and didn't say anything. I shuffled around uncomfortably. "You don't have to if you-"

  "No it's okay," He cut me off. "Mira is....." He trailed off. "There isn't any word that can describe how amazing she is."

  I smiled softly. "When I was younger, I had a slight case of Autism, I'm sure you know what that is." He glanced at me and I nodded. "The only friends I had where the ones I had now: Kavin, MJ, and Thyme." He paused.

  "And Mira," I added, making him smile, dimples appearing on his cheeks.

  "Yeah," He sighed. "As a kid, I was closed off. Mira helped me get out of my shell. She's the reason why I am who I am now."

  I tilted my head to look at him. "Not necessarily." I disagreed, making him turn to look at me. "She can't be the complete reason why you are who you are. She may have helped you, given you the push you needed, but..... you're Ren. Nothing can change that."

  He didn't react. For a moment, I feared that I've said something wrong. "I'm sorry," I apologized. "I didn't mean-"

  "Don't sweat it," He pinched my cheeks. "You're wise, you know that?"

  I smirked. "You calling me old, Aira?" 

  He gave me a look. "It was a compliment!" He whined. "Take it or leave it."

  I raised my hands in surrender. "I'll take it. Calm your horses." 



There's some Ren and Lily bonding time for ya. They are honestly so cute. And, I kinda ship them more than Lily and Thyme at this point lmao. Thyme needs some more work and development, but then the relationship will be mwuah, chief's kiss.

  Anyways, nothing really happened much in this chapter but I still hope you enjoyed it.


 That's all for now,

Bye :)

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