26| Dinner with family

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"today was great! i hope we can hang out again!" wooyoung said hugging yeonjun "i hope i can see your boyfriend soon

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"today was great! i hope we can hang out again!" wooyoung said hugging yeonjun "i hope i can see your boyfriend soon. we should all have a double-" "ehem! triple date." beomgyu corrected

"okay-oh! sorry...hi." wooyoung said bumping into a tall figure which was the one and only beanstalk, choi soobin. "uh, hi! who are you?" "shouldn't i be the one asking you that question?" wooyoung then crossed his arms at soobin

"wait a minute...you look familiar, are you...?" wooyoung then turned his head at yeonjun's direction then snapping his head back to soobin while pointing at the two "oh! you're soobin, right?! yeah! my honey's been talking so much about you!" wooyoung then grabbed yeonjun arm catching soobin and yeonjun off guard

"your honey?" soobin asked with an eye brow raised "oh sorry, bin. thats just what we called each other back in high school." yeonjun then stood next to soobin who understood

soobin wasn't the jealous type, or that's what he says, but if yeonjun said they weren't a thing then he would believe him. only if that person is in love with yeonjun then he would totally call them out on it. but if and only if that person did like yeonjun. soobin could tell whether someone likes someone in a blink of an eye except when it came to his own feelings he's a total and complete utter moron

[the next day...*I'm lazy okay?*]

"you know what? i don't want to do this!" yeonjun turned around ready go back in the car but soobin immediately turned him around and made him stay put while they were both staring at the front door  of yeonjun's family home

"no you said today and i did not just drive for 2 hours just for you to back out last minute." soobin then knocked on the door making yeonjun nervous

what was his family gonna say? are they gonna stop paying for his college tuition? were they gonna keep him locked in a dungeon to be far away from soobin and his friends? yeonjun was terrified of the idea of his parents not accepting him and there was a 80% chance they wont accept him at all

"hello? oh my goodness! my yeonnie baby!" yeonjun's mother then engulfed yeonjun into a hug  "hi, mom." yeonjun hugged his mother back with his face buried in his mother's chest

"oh! you didn't tell me you were visiting! oh and who's this handsome fellow?" his mother asked looking at soobin who gave her a smile "oh! what a handsome boy! yeonnie, who is this?" yeonjun's mother finally let go of yeonjun and pointed at soobin who was still standing at the other side of the door

"oh thats my friend. soobin." yeonjun introduced soobin who just flashed a smile and bowed to yeonjuns mother "oh! handsome and polite. come in! come in! make your self comfortable." soobin stepped inside taking off his shoes and putting them on the mat next to the door but not before flashing another smile at yeonjuns mother who just smiled back

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