30| Red handed

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"so...how was the weekend for the both of you guys? did you enjoy your date?" beomgyu slowly bought up the topic about yesterday and the couple just looked at each other with smiles on their faces "yeah, actually we did."

"we knowww..." taehyun said dragging the last word "what?" soobin knitted his eye brows together "bin ah we thought the wall was about to fall down." the couple looked at each other "sorry, i didn't know you two were there." yeonjun apologized "yeah!" taehyun sassily replied 

"i bet we gave them one heck of a show." soobin said while wiggling his eye brows at yeonjun, yeonjun blushed and rolled his eyes "dumbass." "oh my god kill me." beomgyu slammed his head on the table

"wow is this the conversation that made my brains splatter on the wall?" taehyun sarcastically said "my 13th reason why....yeonjun...and...soobin." kai said out loud while writing in his note pad making the couple roll their eyes at the younger

"oh and by the way soobin i'm staying at beomgyu's for about...i don't know forever!" taehyun grabbed beomgyu's hand and walked away while flipping yeonjun and soobin off "yeah i'm not gonna stay and watch you two eat face again so i'm just gonna go and slam my head into a wall, bye!" kai stood up from the table and left the couple

"i guess we're the reason why kai is scarred for life." "agreed." soobin agreed forming his mouth into a line "see you tonight at my place?"

"you bet."

"god! that movie was so awesome! we should totally have a movie night and watch all of the other movies!" jungkook jumped in excitement walking in taehyungs house

taehyung was tailing right after him smiling at his boyfriend's cuteness "sure, what ever you want, babe." taehyung smiled "whatever? yeah, well i want you on this couch right now so..." jungkook got closer to taehyung who just kicked the door shut creating a loud bang

jungkook pulled on taehyungs collar pulling him closer and connecting their lips together


"god, i love it when you do that." taehyung disconnected their lips and smirked at jungkook who gave him look

"uhm...that wasn't me."

"what? then who else...oh my god." taehyungs face went white in horror jungkook raised a brow at him, confused but then reality hit him. taehyung and yeonjun live together and yeonjun is in a relationship with soobin...oh. my. god.

"uhm..." jungkook pressed his together looking at taehyung in worry that the other will go ballistic "oh my fucking god!" taehyung marched up to yeonjuns room

"yeonjun!" taehyung banged on the door causing the horrific noises inside to stop and the couple heard the bed springs and a bunch of rustling inside

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