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[A/N][if ya'll remember last chapter you would probably understand what this chaps title means😏 also if you guys don't like the mention of sex or feel uncomfortable about the topic of sexual

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[if ya'll remember last chapter you would probably understand what this chaps title means😏 also if you guys don't like the mention of sex or feel uncomfortable about the topic of sexual...stuff then suggest you to skip this chapter and if you decide you want to stay read at your own risk]

                         [1 month later...]
"okay, i said that i was going to wait but how in the fuck can i do that?!" soobin exclaimed ready to claw his eyes out of frustration "like yeah we do stuff and you know the stuff that leads up to it but we just never really got to...do stuff. you know what i mean?"


"okay, but as much as i want to stay and listen to you and yeonjun hyungs sex life i have to get going, i have to get ready. okay, bye. i'll talk to you later or something." kai said then hung up the phone on soobin who just threw himself on his bed groaning. "hey~ your favorite brother is...whats wrong?" soobins older brother, minhyuk walked in soobins room just to see his brothers face down on his bed arms to his side

"are you okay? whats going on with you?" minhyuk sat on the edge of the bed staring at his brother who hasn't muttered a word "okay, dude you either want me to start guessing or you're just gonna tell me." "i'm having trouble with my boyfriend."

"yeonjun? whats up? did you guys fight or something?" soobin sat up properly resting his back on the wall "well, i really don't think you would be comfortable about me talking about this kind of subject..." soobin replied but his brother just clicked his tongue and rolled his eyes at the other who sighed and nodded

"fine...uhm, yeonjun has this thing about him wanting our first time together to be perfect and special so that means he wants to wait until he thinks the timings right and romantic." soobin explained "okay, so whats the problem with that?" minhyuk knitted his eyebrows together

"well...i sorta don't want to wait but i also want to respect his decision if he does and i don't want him to rush into anything he doesn't feel fully comfortable with but-" "soobin listen if he doesn't want to do it you can't force him like how horny can you be-"

"i haven't had sex in 10 months."

"oh my god." minhyuk covered his mouth with his hand in shock "are-are you serious? 10 months? sex free?" minhyuk grabbed soobin hands with a sad expression "i know...i know..." soobin said in sad tone looking down "ugh, god. is this why you guys are so close? you guys talk about each others sex life?" soobin and minhyuks sister, Arin, said with a scrunched up nose and a disgusted look

"ugh whatever, i mean how can you relate? you have no friends." minhyuk said making arin flip him off, raising her middle finger at him "so...you haven't had sex in 10 months? god are you alright?" arin said chuckling a bit

"yeah well its not that bad i guess i mean i get to focus on things like my boyfriend, the sound of a bird...the color of the sky."

"the skies blue, soobin. and i had sex with my boyfriend yesterday." minhyuk said to soobin making the younger give him a look

"okay, as a person who's been in yeonjuns shoes before from my first boyfriend, some friendly advice, wait until he's okay with cause if you rush into this than let me tell you, you will be waiting more than 10 months until you get your dick sucked again." arin said

arin stood up from the bed heading out side the room but before she steps out of the room she looks back at her brothers "and soobin. control your hormones. don't have sex with other people. you can use that sock under your bed." arin than closed the door behind her

the brothers looked at each other "you have a sock under your bed...?" minhyuk looked at soobin who just smiled nervously and awkwardly at his brother

[the next day...]
"binnie, can you pass the...what?" yeonjun looked up to see his boyfriend staring at him with big puppy eyes and a pout "oh, nothing." "okay..." yeonjun returns back to his food but then he felt something grazing on his leg he the then felt it graze up all the way to his thigh making yeonjuns eyes widen

he looked under the table to see soobins foot grazing on his leg, he then saw soobin adjust his chair closer to the table. yeonjun looked over to soobin signaling him to just eat but mid-way in yeonjuns meal he felt soobins foot go all the way to yeonjuns crotch wiggling and caressing everything soobins foot can reach

yeonjuns other hand clawed on the table telling soobin to not do this now since they were in public "why? you...you want me to stop this?" soobin asked acting innocent caressing more and more on yeonjuns crotch making yeonjun bite his bottom lip from pleasure

"s-soobin...ah...l-later." yeonjun said grabbing soobins foot who just retreated back "okay." after a minute or two yeonjun started to think twice and he looked at soobin and soobin looked at him at the same time. soobin exactly knew what yeonjun wanted and soobins lips curved upwards until a smirk appeared on his face

"waiter!" soobin called the waiter and signaled him for the check, when the check came soobin and yeonjun immigrated payed and grabbed their stuff and rushed out of the restaurant

yeonjuns back slammed against soobins apartment door not disconnecting their lips, when they broke their kiss to catch their breath soobins curious and greedy hands traveled their way to yeonjuns shirt unbuttoning them, he then started kissing yeonjuns neck and collar leaving a few dark purple spots "ah...s-soobinie..." yeonjun moaned making soobin harder than he already was

"are you finally done waiting?" soobin asked breathing heavily, yeonjun chuckled softly


"if you want it badly then...

...beg for it."

ha! ya'll thought! okay next chap is were giving yall the good stuff 👹hehe👹 bit this chap is one of my shortest [its 1,038k words] its just i wanted to make a chapter specifically for the the ✨good✨ shit also cause their a whole thing going to happen but! no more spoilers and see ya'll next chapter:))

also Thank you so much for 3k read i really appreciate all the love and support for this fanfic and i love and appreciate you all

also Thank you so much for 3k read i really appreciate all the love and support for this fanfic and i love and appreciate you all

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