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"sooyeon. sooyeon! yah! choi sooyeon! are you gonna wake up or are you gonna get drag out of this bed by your hair!" jeongyun shouted at a sleeping sooyeon who groaned as she pulled the blanket over her head

jeongyun groaned as he combed his hair with his fingers out of frustration "okay, fine." jeongyun grabbed his sister's feet and tried to pull her out of bed "wha-jeongyun! what the fuck! stop! alright! i'll get up! jesus." sooyeon got up from her bed and groaned at jeongyun

"now, get out of my room, i'll be out in a sec." jeonyun nodded and left, the door shut and sooyeon sat on her bed and took out her phone. she scrolled on her instagram account and saw her uncle yeonjun's post

with him and his fiancé...

they were holding hands and showing off their wedding rings again. it's been a few months since they got engaged and they never shut up about them being engaged since hyunjin proposed back in April

sooyeon smiled and liked her uncles post and she noticed she got a notification from her dad

get down here or your never
gonna get to leave your room
love you, honey 😊

sooyeon frowned as she read her father's message and she groaned and stood up from her bed to grab a jacket just to cover herself up. she was walking towards the kitchen after she saw that only her twin was sitting on the couch

she over heard her parents in the kitchen talking "look, you can't back out now. they're here now, they already turned 18–and i'm not waiting another century to tell them." her mom, lia said and sooyeon furrowed her eyebrows in confusion

what do they mean? is there something their not telling me? sooyeon thought to her self as she stared at the kitchen light illuminating from the kitchen. the second sooyeon heard footsteps she ran back to the living room and sitting next to her twin brother who was busy texting someone

she took out her phone and pretended like she was just scrolling on it "so what were they talking about?" her brother asked not taking his eyes off his phone "well, i didn't get much but i think they are hiding something from us since we were born and their gonna tell us now—but dad actually didn't want to but mom pushed him." jeongyun peeled his eyes away from his phone

"what do you think its about?" sooyeon shrugged her shoulders and they both sat up straight the moment they heard their mom and dad walked in and inhaled deeply, they both sat in front of the twins

"okay...we called you two hear because me and your dad-" "are you guys getting a divorce?" sooyeon assumed and both her parents got caught off guard "wha-no! we were just not telling you guys everything since you two were just too young, but now we want to tell you guys since we think you're old enough." soobin explained

"okay—wait who goes first?" lia asked soobin who shrugged his shoulders "i don't know, i thought you first." "no, no we said you-" "uhm no" the two bickered, sooyeon and jeongyun rolled their eyes at their parents "i want to hear mom's first." sooyeon smiled and lia sighed and soobin giggled

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