37| Wing-woman

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                                                                           [2 months later

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                                                                           [2 months later...]
"i regret deciding to sit next to you..." yeonjun sighed when soobin kept on laughing at the stupid picture soobin took of him around 15 minutes ago and soobin still hasn't calmed down to the point that their teacher had to stop midway through their lesson to shush him making yeonjun so embarrassed and until now soobin is still giggling in his seat

"you love me here,  especially when i do this -" soobin quickly pecked yeonjuns lips making the other surprised but luckily only the people behind them saw and started giggling at how cute the couple is "Okay! everyone listen up! since prom is in 3 weeks and i know a lot of you are planning what you are gonna wear or panicking about who you're taking to prom!"

"i've decided to not give any homework for my subject until prom is done!" every one in the class cheered and shouted out of happiness and so did soobin and yeonjun

"okay! okay settle down! also a reminder just because i don't give you guys home work doesn't mean your other subjects wont give you any so..." everyone started booing making their professor laugh

"okay, but since we're practically done with discussions for this quarter might as well give you free time for the rest of my period." everyone started cheering and clapping again making their professor roll his eyes while chuckling

"also before all of you start to bombard me with questions i'm just gonna say it, all guys will wear suits and all girls with wear dresses. not to short and you can have it as long as you want it to be."

"and! you can go with who ever you want! if guys want to go with guys thats fine or if girls want to go with girls its also fine. and you guys want to go alone you can bring some one from a different school that you know who can be your escort in the prom. okay?" everyone started whooping and clapping and yeonjun and soobin smiled at each other knowing they will be able to go together

they all settled down and suddenly shin ryujin stood up from her seat and fell in front of everyone making everyone gasp audibly. yeji—ryujin's girlfriend got worried she hurriedly ran to ryujin and asked her if she was okay

"yeah, yeah don't worry...but i think i'm injured." yeji widened her eyes when she heard what ryujin said. every one else from their friend group ran to them to check how ryujin was doing

"you are?!" yeji immediately started checking ryujin "yeah...but it will heal if you come to the prom with me." ryujin cheekily smiled at yeji who had a moment of confusion and worry in her expression


"hwang yeji...will you go to the prom with me? please?" ryujin helped yeji get up from the floor and pulled out a banner from her back and everyone in the room awed at the scene in front of them making all of them clap and cheer for the two

their other friends, yuna, chaeryeong, and lia, all pull out balloons that spell out "prom?"

lia and soobin make eye contact and lia winks at soobin who winked at her too.


everyone in the room stoped cheering and looked at the two with worry. "shit..." soobin said under his breath feeling bad for ryujin.

"no...would be the answer if you weren't the love of my life but you are so..." yeji trailed off making ryujin confused "so...thats a yes?"

"of course it a yes, you dumb blabbering idiot!" yeji squealed and hugged ryujin who smiled and hugged her back

everyone continued cheering clapping for the two cheering their ship name "ryeji! ryeji! ryeji! ryeji!"

it was finally lunch and the yeonbin couple was holding hands under the table while watching their friends argue about mint choco

"look it's good-" "good?! you have no taste! since when was something minty and something sweet good together?!"

"since mint choco existed!" kai defended making both beomgyu and taehyun disagree "ew! thats not even a proper defense like-" they all started shouting at each other making both yeonjun and soobin giggle

"hey, baby i'm going to the bathroom, kay?" soobin excused himself and yeonjun just nodded and received a kiss on the cheek before soobin stood up and left

some one tapped him on his shoulder and he looked over just to see lia standing next to him. he felt the annoyance in his body release when he saw the girl. "hi, yeonjun." lia smiled at yeonjun but he just nodded in response not saying a single word cause he knows it in himself that if he ever opened his mouth around her he will blow up on her right at that moment

"i just wanted to say that i'm thankful that you and soobin got back together—really, i'm so happy you two worked things out-" "wait, what? since when did me and soobin break up?" yeonjun cut lia off her sentence and put his hand in front of her face to make her stop talking

yeonjuns three friends stopped arguing and looked over in worry. "huh? i remember he told me you two broke up around 2 weeks ago and-" "oh my god...what the hell?" yeonjun widened his wyes feeling his world crumble

and that fact he had to hear about it from lia! "he said that you two will get back together soon if you go to prom with him." "oh my go-wait what?" lia smiled and walked away making way for soobin who was walking up to yeonjun with a banner asking him to prom

yeonjun had his mouth agape still confused. was soobin cheating on him? is this some prank? is this just a plan and if it was just a plan then why was lia in on it? yeonjun was yeonfused in every way

"choi yeonjun...before you start thinking i was cheating on you i'm not...lia is in on it and i'm here right now triggering my social anxiety to ask you to prom in front of all these kids, so choi yeonjun, do you want to got to prom with your tall, stupid, cute, handsome, amazing boyfriend?" soobin finished his little speech and yeonjun smiled so widely

"do i have a choice? cause if i do then my answer is absolutely!" yeonjun threw himself on soobin who caught him and they hugged in the middle of the cafeteria. "is it really a 'yes' junnie?" soobin asked making yeonjun giggle "no. duh! of course it's a yes you dumb ass!" yeonjun kissed soobin in front of everyone making all of the students cheer and clap

"soobin looked behind him to see lia clapping and whooping for them soobin mouthed a 'thank you' and lia just nodded and smiled at him

yeah i know shorter than usual but my ass was lazy and also cause this is kind of a filler but anyws thank you for all the love and i love you all so much<33333

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