Claiming what's already his (18+)

188 9 3

Warnings : Smut! P in V, explicit, graphic language, Petnames, sexual content, spanking! Minors DNI

The second my body touches the bed, Chris starts roaming my body with his big, but soft hands. His left hand caresses the skin on my upper leg, leaving a trail of fire whereever his skin touches mine. His right hand massages my breast, while he kisses me hungrily. ,,Oh Babygirl, you are so needy for my touch, aren't you?'', he asks, grinning mischievously. Unable to talk, i simply nod my head. He starts kissing his way down my jawline to my collarbone, somehow managing to open my bra without lifting me from the bed. He pulls the straps of my dress from my shoulders and tosses it on the floor, soon followed by my bra. He is still in his sweatshirt and jeans. His mouth finds my sensitive nipples and he starts licking and nibbling at them. I close my eyes in pleasure. One of his fingers searches it's way to my core and without a warning he just thrusts in me. I gasp at the feeling. ,,You know Babygirl, i could do this all day. But if you want to cum, or me to fuck your pretty littly pussy, you have to use words! Tell me what you want me to do with you!''. Fuck, his movements leave my brain nonfuntional! How am i supposed to speak, while he...

Chris' view

Oh how i enjoy teasing her like that! I definitely know what she wants, her body language tells me erverything. But it is a huge turn on for me, to hear her talk filthy to me! She gasps, while i add a second and a third finger to fill her. Nearly breathless, she somehow manages to talk. ,,Undress.... FUUUCK... yourself and.... MMMMM... fuck me, Captain!''. That was what i needed to hear! Without hesitation i pull my fingers out of her, to get lose off my sweatshirt and while i do this, Laras hands find their way to my belt. She opens my belt and pulls my jeans down. She sits herself up, to look hungrily at the already completly hard cock in my boxers. ,,Fuck, Chris! I need to feel you, need you to fuck me!''. Grinning i pull down my boxers, my cock slaps agains my abs and Lara just moans at this sight. Before she can react i just pick her up from the bed, her legs around my hips and i make two steps with her to the wall next to the windowfront. I press her against the wall and lower her core down, so she sinks on my hard on. She moans with every inch,  i sink more into her pussy. The second she is balls deep on my length i start thrusting deeply. My beautiful princess! ,,Fuck Babygirl, you feel so good around my cock, taking me... sooo ... FUCKING... well!''. My praise leaves a shiver on her soft skin. I can feel that she is near her first orgasm and just a few seconds later she is begging me for permission to cum. ,,Plllleeeasee, Baby, i... can't hold.... AHHH!''. I smirk at her pleading face to just give her the permission. She clenches around my cock and cries my name out loud!

He lowers the speed of his thrusts, to ride me through my high, then puts me down on my feet. Chris strong arms catches me, he rubs my back, i feel already overwhelmed and i know that this was just the beginning! I am still catching my breath, while Chris starts leaving bitemarks on the soft sin of my neck. ,,Ready for another one?'', he whispers in my ear. I nod, still unable to speak properly. Seconds after i feel the sting of pain on my ass, where Chris had just slapped me. ,,I need words!'', he growls through gritted teeth. ,,Yes Captain!'', is all i manage to say, still exhausted. He praises my obedience and pulls me infront of the windows. He gestures me to put them on the glass, his leg is between mine. He stretches my legs, my breasts are against the cool glass, his one hand is on my hip. The other one slides through my folds. ,,Hmmm! I want the whole world, or at least the neighbors to see, who you belong too! You are mine!''. With one swift motion he rams his cock completly inside my pussy. ,,Yes! 'm yours and yours only!''. He praises my body, while slamming ruthlessly in me. One of his hands on my throat, the other hand on my core. ,,Cum with me, Babygirl! I want you to scream my name!''. And these words, in combination with his thrusts, his hand on my throat and the circles he rubs on my core is my undoing. I clench hard around him, my head falls back, against his broad shoulder. My eyes flutter close and the moment he starts growling and intensifiing his thrusts i scream his name! Chris spills his seed deep inside of me, holding me steady with the hand at my throat. 

Chris' View

Fuck, that was a perfect orgasm! Laras body trembles infront of me. Slowly i open my eyes to see her smiling at me through the reflection of the windows. ,,I did not hurt you, did i?'', i ask her worried. Sometimes i forget myself in such moments, but she shakes her head no! I pull myself out of her, followed by a small whimper from her. I pick her up bridal style and get her to the bathroom. Here i grab a washcloth, start running the warm water and a few seconds later, i start cleaning us up. First her, then me. On the way back to bed, i lay her down and climb into the bed next to her. Her head on my breast, my hand in her hair. I give her a loving kiss on the top of her head. ,,Chris Baby? Tomorrow, we have to look for flights, my Mum has sent me some possible dates for our wedding!'', she says excited but sleepily. I smile at her, nodding. ,,I can't wait to call you my wife! I love you!''. I don't get an answer, but by looking down, i see the reason why! My beautiful princess sleeps on my breast, snuggled at me. I sink further down in the pillow and listen to her even breath. Thinking about our happy future together i drift down to sleep.

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