Let Love Find You

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RK watched his mother taking his new wife into the bedroom and looked on furiously. Few minutes later his mother comes out of his bedroom and turns to him.

"Rishu..." she starts and he without waiting to hear what she was about to say turns on his heels and walks out ignoring the frantic calls of his parents.

RK was sitting at the pub dunking down drinks after drinks. How much ever he drank, he was not getting high. He sighs furiously. Nothing went as he wanted. He had loved Dipali and now he was married to someone else. Life was a bitch.

He feels a hand crawling on his waist and turns around furiously to find Dipali. He removes her hand from his person and scowls at her.

"I knew you would be here tonight. We used to always come here." Dipali says as she caressed his cheek.

RK furiously throws her hand away.

"Why are you angry, RK?" Dipali asks him. "This is the best, right? This way your parents won't disinherit you and we can still be together."

"You mean, you would be my mistress?" RK asks her in disgust.

Dipali's eyes turn furious hearing that then quickly recovering she says with a smile, "I know you love me and wanted to marry me but think what could we do if your father cuts you out of his will? How could we live?"

"I would have looked after you." RK says furiously.

"Not the way I am used to or the way I want." Dipali tells him. "But now you have everything and we can be still together."

"If you forgot then my manipulative parents, emotionally blackmailed me into marrying a girl I don't even know."

"I know, RK. But we can still be together."

"I am married."

"It's your suhag raat and you are here with me."

"I am alone here and you are just fucking irritating me."

"You still love me, RK. I know that. Nothing has changed, RK. You are still mine and I am yours. You are going to love me like before showering me with your gifts."

"Ah... so that is what you are after... the expensive gifts!"

"You know that is not true."

"Did you ever truly love me?" RK asks her a little hurt.

"You never let me show you, saying sex should be after marriage." Dipali says scoffing. "Let me show you how much I love you... now... come with me."

Feeling her taking hold of his hand RK furiously shrugs it away, "Do you know who I hate more than myself and my parents for the way my fucking life has turned around? You bitch!"

Dipali looks at him furiously. "You can never hate me, RK... you love me... and you are going to come behind me soon when you realize that your good for nothing wife is useless, you'll come running behind me."

RK asks in a dispassionate tone, "You offered whatever you could offer and say whatever you could. Now can you leave?"

"We are not over, RK!" Dipali tells him and walks off furiously still not able to believe the change that has come over him. He used to run behind her like a love sick puppy and now he was filled with so much anger and hatred.

Hours later, RK stumbles into his room to find the lights on and his wife sitting on the bed with her head resting on the headrest in an awkward position looks like she had slept off waiting for him. Suddenly he was filled with guilt. Everyone around him had played with his life and he was furious with everyone. His parents for not accepting Dipali in spite of she being the daughter of their business partner, Dipali for not accepting him without his money, and himself for not taking a stand when his mother threatened him with suicide if he didn't marry Madhubala Malik. But why was he angry with his wife? She had done nothing to him and he had treated her badly on their wedding night. It was not her fault that he couldn't take a stand and it definitely was not her fault that Dipali didn't love him enough to leave a life of comfort. Then why was she insulted like this? However angry he was with life, he had no right to treat her like this because she was not the cause for his pain.

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