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quick a/n before i start the chapter: so since this is a jj story i won't be writing any very spicy scenes for rafe and y/n, i'll just cut through it because it doesn't really make sense for me to write a detailed scene for them.. i will be writing spicy scenes for y/n and jj later on in the story though!! enjoy!


i snorted up the last bit of powder that rafe had. i forgot how good this felt for a while now. kelce stuck around with rafe and i for a little bit, but ended up joining his other friends later. everyone at this party were either drunk or high, so we didn't act too different than some of the people here.

the room was kind of spinny, so i was laying on rafe's shoulder, really close to him. i don't know why, but everything kind of felt like a dream and everything that was going on right now wasn't happening.

rafe was busy rambling on about something to me, but i wasn't really paying that close of attention to what he was talking about. instead, i took the beer that he was holding out of his hand and took a drink from it.

i looked over to him, who stopped his story for a second, and was watching me. "what? i'm thirsty." i said, giggling with a smile. he laughed and broke eye contact with me to look away at the different people.

there were about half of the people here then there was when we first got here, so it was much more quieter now. i didn't recognize most of the people here, and topper must've gone off somewhere else with kelce.

"are you having a good time?" rafe asked, his voice kind of drowsy, a lot different than how his voice usually sounds.

"yeah, i am." i looked down to his hand and started examining it.

"what are you doing?"

"i like your hand. it's really hot." i admitted. yes, i was one of those people, who whenever i was high, i said whatever came into my mind without thinking about the consequences of it.

he chuckled. "so, you find my hand hot?"

"yes. very much."

"oh? very much?" he asked, in a strange tone, which made me look up to him to meet his eyes.

now, there was something a lot different in this look than the way he usually looks at me. i mean, you could probably tell me that it was my fault for starting all this, but i really didn't care.

i broke eye contact for a second and looked down at his lips, then, my eyes making their way back up to his eyes. i noticed that, instead of the light blue color his eyes are normally, they were much more darker.

i honestly don't remember all of what happened next, except for a few details. i remember kissing him, then following him to one of topper's spare bedrooms, and that's when my mind went blank.


i woke up to the bed shuffling next to me. what the hell? who was in my bed with me?

i peeked my eyes open, turning my head to see rafe asleep next to me. hold on. where was i? i looked around the unfamiliar bedroom, decorated like every kook decorates their house.

what happened last night? i rubbed the sleep out of my eyes until i realized that, for some strange reason, i feel like i'm wearing a lot less than i usually do to sleep.

and then i knew. oh my god. i slept with rafe.

i looked over to him, trying to think of the last thing i remembered. i know that i was at topper's house - probably in another one of his family's bedrooms - and rafe asking me if i was having a good time.

i sighed, seeing my clothes tossed around the floor. i had to get out of bed, as quietly as i could without waking up rafe, get changed, and find a way back to my house. perfect.

i grabbed my clothes, pulling them on quickly and then sneaking out to the hallway. i don't know topper's house at all, but i figured out where the main staircase is, so i went down that way. i was looking for my shoes when i heard someone call my name.

uh oh. i swear, if rafe is awake, i'll never hear the end of this.

i turned around, to see sarah staring at me.

"what are you doing here?" she asked me, looking confused.

"i, um, fell asleep in one of topper's spare bedrooms, i think." i say, trying to figure out a way to leave out the details of what really happened - how i slept with her brother.

"oh yeah, looks like you had a nice time." she mentioned, nodding to my neck.

oh fuck. i forgot to look in the mirror this morning, but i could probably figure out what she was talking about. i quickly brushed my fingers through my hair, and covered that side of my neck with my hair.

she laughed. "do you need a ride home? i'm heading out anyway."

"yes, please. thank you so much.. lemme just find my shoes real quick." i said, looking around for them. i found them by a chair, out of all places.

we walked out to her car, and she started talking to me about midsummers. it was a shorter drive back to my house, but we were talking the whole time about the topic. i was grateful that she didn't ask me anything about my neck or the events that took place last night.

she pulled into my driveway, and i thanked her for the ride and walked into my house. i walked up the stairs to my room, tossing my purse on my bed. i turned around to the mirror to examine my neck.

there were two really noticeable marks from him, but none on the other side of my neck. i guess i would need to keep my hair down for the next couple of days.

i changed out of my dress into something much more comfortable. i wasn't really tired, considering the fact that i woke up at 12.

i rummaged through my purse to find my phone, finding it powered off. i must've powered it off sometime during the party.

i guess the plan i had worked, because i didn't even think about someone the entire night and pretty much all of this morning.

until i saw all of the missed calls and text messages from him pop up on my phone.

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