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"what is going on- why are there so many people here?" i looked around to see the multiple handfuls of people scattered around the ground in front of the massive projector. "there isn't usually this many people whenever i came here before..."

"no clue. where do you wanna sit?" rafe asked me, taking my hand into his. my mouth perked up into a smile, but my eyes couldn't help but wander around the crowd looking for someone.

i quickly found jj, along with john b, pope, and of course, kiara. they were all sitting on a patterned picnic blanket on one side of the projector. kie was laying her head down in jj's lap, while he was turning his head around, seeming to be looking for someone as well. john b and pope looked to be deep in conversation while kiara was just looking up at the sky.

who is he looking for? the thought wandered into my head, before i shook it away and looked over to rafe, who was looking around. "do you wanna go sit with topper and sarah?" he asked me. i was surprised that he included sarah's name, as everyone knew that they didn't really get along very well.

"sure." i looked over to where they were sitting, which of course, happened to be diagonal from where my group was. this was gonna be fun. i could probably hear every word that they said to each other.

rafe gripped my hand in his, and led me over to where topper and sarah were sitting together on a picnic blanket. when she saw me, sarah pushed her sunglasses from the tip of her nose to on top of her head and waved to me. topper did one of those 'cool guy' head nods, to both rafe and i.

we made it over to the both of them, and i laid over by where sarah was laying. just like i predicted, we were close enough to the group to hear most of what they were saying.

"why is she sitting over there with them?" i heard kiara's voice ask.

"good question." pope responded. john b, who probably knew exactly what i was doing, and jj both didn't respond to her.

i turned my head over to rafe, and smiled at him. i could see jj and kiara in the corner of my eye. jj was glaring at me, while kiara looked over to him, visibly confused on why he was death-staring me.

i scooted over closer to rafe, and he put his arm around my shoulder. yes, i was probably a bad person for messing with both rafe and jj's feelings. it didn't really matter though, because it was really interesting.

the movie had started a couple of minutes later, and i turned around to ask rafe if he wanted anything from the concessions, since i had to use the bathroom anyway. he didn't want anything, so i turned to go ask sarah and topper.

they both wanted popcorn and some type of soft drink so i got up, and started walking to the bathroom and concession area.

after i was done in the bathroom, i walked out only to see jj standing right by the exit. he looked up at the same moment he heard the bathroom door close. i looked away, trying to avoid making eye contact with him.

"what do you want, j?" i asked, still continuing to avoid his eyes.

"i need to talk to you." he said, walking right in front of me.

"i don't understand why. besides, you have kiara to talk to all the time now, anyway."

"y/n, please. don't be like this."

"be like what? what am i being like? you're the one constantly flirting with one of your best friends."

i chose that moment to make eye contact with him, and i saw his mouth turn into a smirk.

"you're jealous, aren't you? you're jealous of me and her? of what happened that night when you were fucking rafe, the guy you're with right now?"

i scoffed, showing how stupid his accusations sounded out loud. "i'm done with this conversation." i say, scooting past him towards the concession stand.

but, of course, he had to follow me. i tried to ignore him, but he was just standing right next to me in line. "come on princess, just admit that you're jealous."

i've had enough of this. i turned to him, sighing.

"i'm really not jealous of you and her, j. especially since i know that you were lying about how you were screwing her when i was screwing rafe." i watched his smirk fall, then i continued. "i don't understand why you need to lie about it though, when you know for a fact that i actually fucked rafe. i mean... you saw the proof." i fought back, shrugging and my mouth rising into a smirk.

he can make assumptions about me all day or night long, but he can't hide the facts. even if his assumptions are true.

i walked up to the concessions clerk, and jj found his way back to the group. not so confident now, are you? nonetheless, i still felt bad for bringing up the rafe stuff. when i start talking like this, it makes me seem like i wanted it to happen just to rub in his face, which definitely wasn't the case. and yes, he is correct about how i was jealous of him and kie, but he didn't need to know that.

not now, at least. i ordered the food that sarah and topper had wanted, and i got a medium sized bucket of popcorn for rafe and i to share. i walked back to our spot, food in hand, and i no longer saw kiara laying on jj anymore.

i handed off sarah's and topper's food, and handed rafe the bucket, while not paying an ounce of attention to the movie going on. instead, i was listening to the argument going on between jj and kie:

"don't lay on me please." jj said, with a stern tone.

"what? just a moment ago you were all over me and now-?"

"what's so hard to understand? i don't want you laying on me, ok?"

"what got you all pissed off?"

"nothing, oh my fucking god. just leave me alone."

he certainly sounded pissed off to me.

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