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"um... hey rafe." i greeted him as he inched closer to us. this would not end well, especially if he thinks that he and i are in a serious relationship, and here i am, with another guy. who he warned to stay away from me.

jj had already turned around as well, watching rafe walk closer and closer to us. i don't know what i'm supposed to tell him - that i totally didn't ignore all of his calls the moment i got home and now i'm hanging out with someone he sees as a threat? no chance in hell.

"what are you doing here with him." it seemed like a question, but more like a demanding statement. i looked away from rafe to take a break and look over at the ocean.

he then chose that moment to walk up close to me and say something again. "i asked you a question. answer it."

i sighed. "listen rafe, i just got back a little bit ago and needed some alone time.." i figured that would be a pretty good excuse.

rafe scoffed in reply to my answer. "alone time, huh? you look pretty alone to me." he nodded to jj, who was surprisingly silent this whole time.

i shook my head. this wasn't just because i didn't talk/call/text the whole time since i've been back, it's the fact that i'm hanging out with jj.

at that moment, rafe seemed to realize that a lot more and chose to comment something about that.

he turned to jj and said, "man, i thought i told you to stay away from things that aren't yours..? did you forget about that or what?" when jj didn't reply to that - clearly not wanting to start a fight with a kook - rafe just shook his head and started to walk away.

"mark my words y/n, this isn't the last you'll be seeing of me. and i'll make sure of that." he called, going over to where his dirt bike was parked and speeding away.

i turned my head, looking over at jj in confusion and him doing the same.

"whatever, he's just messing around." i say, putting my feelings and thoughts in place in my head. obviously rafe wasn't being serious... unless he was? if he was, what was he planning to do? i don't want to think about his intentions right now.

"maybe," jj replied, closing the van doors. "i bet you're not in the surfing mood after that, are you? do you wanna head back over to the chateau?"

"yeah, sure." it was evident that we both weren't in the surfing mood, plus i needed to talk to kie and apologize. i was in a really big making things right mood, and there wasn't anyone else that i needed to make up with right now other than her.

when we arrived back at the chateau, i saw fairy lights hung up between the trees and an insanely expensive looking hot tub sitting on the ground in the middle.

"when did you guys get that?" i ask, knowing that it would've had to be on the week that it had to have been when i was on vacation, because i definitely would've noticed it if they had gotten it before.

"uhh a couple days ago, it's a long story." he mentioned, dismissing all of the questions popping up in my head. we walked inside the house, side by side, to see everyone all on the couch talking about something until we walked in.

it was funny to see all of their heads immediately turn to the both of us right when we walked in. all of their expressions were so easily visible on their faces: john b was confused but also surprised at the same time (probably to see jj and i together), pope just seemed happy to see me because i was back from vacation, and kie was either confused or mad, i couldn't tell.

i wouldn't blame her though, since i've pretty much been a bitch to her the whole time she was with jj plus i am best friends with her ex-best friend. i swear, i need to get them to forgive each other after this. that should be my next mission.

"hey kie, can i talk to you?" i ask her, motioning outside by the fairy lights and ignoring all the the guys' confused looks.

she shrugged, following me outside. i led her outside to around the hot tub, hearing the water rippling, indicating that it was on.

i turned around, and started to talk. "i'm really sorry for being a bitch recently. i don't know how to explain why i was one, since i don't even know myself," (well technically i did, and it was because i was jealous of her and jj, but she didn't need to know that) "and yes, i know that you also may be mad at me because of the whole sarah situation.... but that's a whole other thing that you guys need to figure out on your own and you shouldn't technically be mad at someone just because they're friends with someone else."

she took a deep breath before starting to reply to all of my points. "yeah, i guess you are right about that. i shouldn't have been ignoring you this whole time either, so i'm sorry on my part for that." she gave me a small smile, and then hugged me.

"but please don't tell me you have a crush on jj.. i don't think that it would go very well."

she laughed, "trust me, i don't. i didn't even like him before, and i have no idea what i was doing."

we both walked back inside, and we all spent the rest of the night talking about midsummers.

which was in one day now - tomorrow.

i had no idea what would go on.

but it wasn't good.


a/n: hey!! midsummers will be the next chapter, so it'll come out in 4 days because it's much longer!! enjoy the edits i post in the meantime ;)

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