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A/N: today was my last day of school!! so, since it's summer break for me there will probably be a lot more edits and stories coming! also i'm sorry this is a shorter chapter than usual, but it fits with what happens at the end!!


i really should listen to my own advice that i give myself. like, for example, COVERING MY NECK. now i have to find a way out of this situation with jj, when he clearly knows what's on my neck and probably even how i got it.

what would it look like when i slept with someone that he practically told me to stay away from because he's a douche?

thankfully, before i had to answer him, i heard a truck roll up to the chateau. who is that? no one with trucks usually come by, and kie was already here, so it couldn't be her dad's?

i looked out one of the screen windows, immediately recognizing whose truck it is. i really should've known better, and knew that this would've happened.

i leave jj behind, walking out the screen door.

"rafe? what are you doing here?" i called out to him, walking up to his truck. i heard the screen door close, so jj was behind me, checking out who was outside.

he got out of the truck, slamming the door. by accident, i'm pretty sure. he looked at me, and run his hand through his hair.

"um... i found you gone this morning when i woke up.. i checked by your house and i didn't see you there.. and your mom told me that i could probably find you here..." he explained, looking away and then back at me multiple times.

"what?" i heard from behind me, and i knew that jj had heard everything that rafe had said, and now he knew that that's where i was all last night and this morning.

rafe's gaze turned hard as he looked back to where jj was standing behind me. "listen, man, i'm not talking to you." he said blankly, and looked back up to me.

jj walked up to us to stand right next to me. this isn't going to end well. "is that what happened last night? you slept with him?" jj concluded, looking at me. i was trying to avoid his gaze when rafe decided to speak up:

"yeah, she did. you her boyfriend or something?" he stopped talking to scratch his head. "because she never mentioned anything about you." i backed away slowly, trying to get out of this argument between them.

jj said something else that i couldn't hear, but it made rafe pissed. i tried to get up closer now, to hear what they were saying, but to stay away far enough so they wouldn't force me to say anything.

"listen to me. if i can't have y/n, then no one can. including you, and i'll see to it that it stays that way." he threatens, 3 inches away from jj, before walking back to his truck, slamming the door, and driving away.

fuck. it was definitely way too late to get myself out of this. but then again, why was jj so mad? he was yelling at rafe... why'd he care so much? that's kinda weird. i look over to jj, who turned around and walks toward me.

"i thought that i told you that he's a douche. meaning, you should stay away from him." he told me, shaking his head. he was really mad.

"i don't have to listen to you, you know. you aren't my dad. you can't tell me what i can and cannot do."

jj scoffed. uh oh. this is only going to get worse, i can tell. how did it even get this bad? all we did was argue now, over the stupidest stuff. i miss my relationship with him when it was all fun and we never got mad at each other. now, it seems like it's only going downhill..

but then again, you can't really blame me for all of this stuff. he's the one who's been getting seriously mad at me usually, and not the other way around.

"listen to me, y/n. you need to stay away from him. he's bad news." he said.

"did you not hear what i just said? i don't have to stay away from him." i shrugged. "he's really nice and good to me... plus he doesn't get mad at me all the time." i said, under my breath.

jj turned to look at me and he looked furious. "what did you say?" he asked, getting up closer to me.

"i said that he doesn't get mad at me all the time, unlike some people." i say, staring right up into his eyes.

jj does one of his laughs that he only does when he's angry. "you realize i'm only trying to protect you, right?" he asked me.

"i don't need your protection, if you're going to keep telling me what i can and can't do."

"of course you don't. by the way, when you were off fucking rafe last night i was fucking kie."

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