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Maybe my life has turned out like a book I would've read in high school.

The main protagonist becomes an orphan early on in her life alongside her brother, and both are adopted when she is two years old to make a family of three children raised by their father.

They move to Phoenix Drop the time of her adoption, stepping away from their Meteli roots. Until she reaches the fifth grade, she's homeschooled alongside her siblings. Her only friends outside of her family are strangers she meets for a brief period of time and those on her block.

Some she grows close to entering the world of public school education, and more she makes along the way. Though, the two closest to her open enrolling in a different school towns away.

By the time she's halfway through high school, she has already found interest in the opposite sex. All friends now learn beside her, and a relationship blooms between her and her brother's best friend. The relationship ends a year later, after his graduation.

Another romantic interest sparks shortly after, dotting eyes to her male best friend during their senior year of high school. It isn't until after the school year starts they discover the feeling is mutual and give themselves a new title.

She graduates. Friends scatter to improve their learning while others may end their journey of education. Somehow, in some way, her relationship remains strong through their college experience.

Then he goes away.

He travels the world while she stays back in Phoenix Drop, moving into a house with her other best friend. There, the two share grand memories with the occasional visit from him despite his intent on never returning.

It takes a few years for him to settle down. She travels with him rarely, but finds the time joyful. It's during the last year that her best friend moves out, willing to start her own path alone once more.

He proposes.

She accepts.

He moves in with her, marking the end to 3:00AM surprise returns at her door after a long journey.

They're in love.

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