chapter three

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"This is the first time I've stepped foot on a farm in a while."

I chuckle and push my bandana further back on the top of my head, letting my curtain bangs shine through in the front. "You sound like a city boy," I comment, glancing over at Vylad for a moment before looking back at myself.

Vylad walks over and takes my rat comb out of my hand, running it through the front of his hair before acting silly and running it through my bangs for me. He sticks his tongue out, setting it on the side someplace. "I don't know what you're talking about. You grew up in the suburbs. You didn't grow up on a farm hugging a cow."

"Shut up and tell me if this shirt makes me look pregnant."

The expression on Vylad's face is blank, like he's trying to piece together a complex puzzle. ". . . You are pregnant, though."

"They don't know that."

He playfully pushes me to my side, flattening the front of my shirt down to look at me in a side view in the mirror. He smiles. And even though there's barely anything to look at, the idea that there's something growing inside him makes him giddy.

I don't know if I've truly gotten bigger or if it's my mind playing tricks on me because I know I'll be the size of a watermelon at one point.

"Did you call for an appointment?" Vylad asks, letting go of my shirt and walking over to the closet for one of his more "lived in" tennis shoes. At least with those, I won't be afraid to throw them into our washing machine and walk away carefree if they look like they did pre-farm. "I want to be there for this baby every step of the way."

I nod, placing my hand on my stomach. The mere mention of this baby singles a motherly instinct in me. I want to be able to hold them. Kiss them. Love them. But all I can do right now is put my hand over them on my stomach. "It's set for Thursday at 11:00. I'll know exactly how far along I'll be then."

If I had to guess, I'd think I'm around ten weeks pregnant. However, I can't be one hundred percent certain on that because I honestly don't know much about pregnancy on its own. I was there with Lisa, but it wasn't as often as Cadenza, and it definitely wasn't as often as dad was.

"Well, chérie, I think we better leave in order to get our humble beginnings in."

It's his turn to be shoved.


Dad presses two kisses against my cheeks, one on each side. He and Vylad share a handshake from the corner of my eye, and I shake my head. Dad likes Vylad. He likes him a lot. He claims Vylad is like a son to him, of course through marriage, but sometimes I like to fool myself into believing he likes my husband better than my own older brother.

Lisa grabs onto my hands and smiles warmly at me. "It means a lot to me and your father that you two could come and help us out. Sometimes parents just need a moment to themselves," she jokes, winking towards dad. It takes everything in me to stop myself from visibly cringing.

Dad laughs for a brief moment before patting his hand against Vylad's back. "It could be great practice for when you two have your own children."

My eyes widen. "Daddy!"

His laugh is hearty because of my sudden response. He sticks his hand out for Lisa when she walks over by him, and he wraps it around her waist. "You know I'm joking, pumpkin," he comments. "We'll be back soon. Caleb is sleeping, so you two should have a moment of silence for now."

Lisa's face softens when Vylad walks to my side, grabbing onto my hand. She looks me up and down once, but I try my hardest to ignore it and focus on my father. Her blue eyes soften when she looks at him as he speaks, and it's at this moment I remember once more what a perfect fit the two of them are for each other.

While I've only known her for a few years, and I'm well into my mid-twenties now, she gives off a motherly aura that makes you forget how long you've truly known her.

"Oh! Hayden, I forgot to show something to Alex. I think it'd be best that I do it before we leave."

He nods his head and watches as Lisa motions for me to walk forward with her into the house. I expect us to walk into the nursery by Caleb, but her feet are firm on the living room floor.

I stare back at her, confused. "Lisa? I thought you wanted to show me something."

She giggles, her hands coming up to her lips to cover them. "I lied. I didn't want the men to hear what I wanted to tell you," Lisa says, walking towards me and stopping in front of the mirror in the hallway. "You're glowing. How long have you known?"

I nearly gasp, questioning just how many other people could possibly know. I haven't seen Zianna. But if Lisa knew right away, she would too. "About two weeks. I'll know how far on Thursday."

She nods and holds onto my shoulders gently. "You'll be a wonderful mother."

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