chapter fourteen

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There's a bit of excitement within Paris's eyes when she sees my stomach. It's quite noticeable now that I'm pregnant, and I'm well past the "is she pregnant or is she fat" stage of my pregnancy. Though, I don't know if Paris is aware of what is happening or if she is just happy that I'm there.

Vylad is a busy body. There is always something he wants to do, and he wants to do it at that exact moment. Ever since I gave birth, this instinct of his has been threatened. When we were dating and fresh out of college, he was able to travel the world as he pleased. He went where he wanted to. Stayed as long as he desired. Deciding to marry me broke that.

Trying for a baby slimmed it down more.

Having a job and a baby forces him to put what others want over his own wants and desires. Paris wants her sippy cup. His boss wants deadlines met.

His hand rests on my stomach, coming up with another baby plan with me for baby number two. The gender has been learned, though the gender was one Vylad wanted and what I didn't. I wanted a happy and healthy baby, but there was a definite gender preferred.

"Did we want Paris to share her godparents?" He asks. His thumb rubs against my stomach, eyes directed at mine.

I shake my head. "Oh, no. We decided before Paris was born that none of our children were going to share grandparents. We have too many siblings for that."

He nods, remembering his words and mumbling that he wasn't sure if we were to remain true to them or not. The conversation continues before he stands from his place, reaching a hand out for me to grab onto.

"Come on," Vylad says, his grip firm within mine. "We should go tell the lucky two then."

It takes me a few attempts to get onto my feet. Vylad goes off to retrieve Paris, ready to leave. I make a mental note to call Cadenza later. For now, I'm more concerned of telling the godparent within walking distance first than the one through a phone call.

Vylad's walk is quick down the stairs, Paris in his arms while her diaper bag hangs from his shoulder.


"Me? And not Laurance?"

When Garroth and I were together in high school, I quickly learned that his eyes were keen on showing off how he felt. They became dreary when he was upset, and narrowed when they were angry. My favorite thing was always when he was happy. They had a shine within them that couldn't be diminished.

He has that same shine within them now.

"Laurance has Paris," Vylad tells him, watching the said child tumble over a toy duck and onto the carpet. He picks her up when she cries and bounces her up and down on his knee. "He doesn't need another one of our children in the case that we–well, yeah. He doesn't need this child too."

"Cadenza is going to be the godmother. We think you make a good duo."

Paris reaches for me when Vylad's knee goes flat. I press kisses against her cheeks and forehead before she presses her own against my nose. Garroth's eyes swell in tears, reaching desperately for Vylad. I stand up, balancing Paris on my hip and smiling at the sight.

I don't get to see this often anymore.

Paris begins to fuss. It's close to her nap time, and she may be becoming hungry as well. Our visit is nearing the end when I can't calm her down, and Vylad takes her from me to allow me a break from my pregnancy. I'm more than capable of holding my child while pregnant, but Vylad doesn't want to tire me.

"Hey, Al?"

I turn my head back to Garroth. "Yeah?"

"I'm going to walk Paris back to the house. Take your time," Vylad says, pressing a kiss against the top of my head and walking towards the exit.

Garroth's sitting on the couch. The gleam in his eyes threatened by insecurities. There's a knee-length distance between us when I sit next to him.

We ended on good terms. There's no doubt about that. We both knew our relationship was failing, but neither of us at the time wanted to face that. It was an unspoken topic we never batted an eye to. Then it ended. Garroth and I moved on. He understood me in ways Laurance and Vylad never had, and that kept us close together.

He never had a girlfriend before me. Brief flirtations, but never a true relationship. He had a brief flirtation in college, but it didn't progress far. We remained close despite our history, but I was already with Vylad when I entered college.

With said, Garroth and I know a lot of things about each other most others don't know.

"Do you think I'd be a good godfather?"

I slowly nod my head, reaching for his hand to squeeze. "Yeah, I really do. Garroth, I'm not going to entrust the care of my children with just anyone. Vylad thinks the world of you, and you aren't a man I met yesterday on the street. I trust you enough that you'll care for our child as if it were your own."

"Even after all these years, you always know what to say."

"That's because when it comes to you, I know what to say."

He looks down at my stomach, hands hovering over it. His eyes look up at me, questioning for permission. I laugh and nod, watching as he gets down on his knees and places both hands on the sides of my stomach.

"Hi tiny baby. You don't know me yet, but you will. I'm your godfather."

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