chapter nine

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I drop a magazine on my coffee table, looking at Kandi in disgust. "I have never been more repulsed with a picture of myself in my entire life," I state, huffing. "My baby's face is blown up for complete strangers to see."

Her coffee mug lingers at her lips, taking an extra long sip to avoid responding. I wait for her, arms crossed over my chest. I'm not upset with her. She isn't the reason for a picture of my child being on the front cover of a well known magazine. She also isn't the reason for an entire section dedicated to who is taking over the Ro'meave. The magazine itself has large print of "FIGHT FOR HEIR?" stamped above my husband's face. There is a fight, but the loser is the heir. Publications aren't going to see it like that, and people aren't going to want to read that.

"I know it's not a time for me to tell jokes, but I'm thankful it's not my face this time."

"Instead it's a six-month-old baby and my husband's name in an article claiming he wants to steal the position from his brother."

"It's not mom's finest moment," she says. There's a brief moment of silence between us before she sighs, hanging her head. "It's not her best idea either. I don't think she thought this through whatsoever."

"I love your mother. I really do. She stepped in the times I needed a mother most. Hell, she taught me why I have a period and what it does when my father couldn't and Cadenza didn't understand it herself. I just. . . I just wish she would stop with this nonsense."

Paris's cries sound on the baby monitor, and I glance at the screen to see her wide awake in her crib. I sigh yet again, walking to the nursery. Kandi b-lines behind me, close when I reach in for my baby. I rock Paris side to side to calm her cries when I tell Kandi to prepare her wipes and diaper. It's early in the morning, so I have to dress Paris and change her.

Kandi finds joy in choosing her outfit while I lay Paris down on her changing table to strip her of the soiled diaper. I feel like Kandi would make an amazing mother, but I know she isn't ready for a baby of her own yet. She's never had a long-lasting relationship before Jeffory, and Abby is almost "an introduction" to having children.

"I think my brothers need to sit my mother down and have a conversation with her," Kandi says, laying a dress beside me and a pair of socks alongside it. "They simply have to confess how they feel. And when she begins to cry, they have to comfort her but not give in. They always cave when she does that, and I think she knows it by now, too."

"I wouldn't doubt that. It seems like every time Vylad goes to tell her something she doesn't want to hear, that she cries to make him change his mind." I lift Paris up and slide the dress over her chubby diaper before smiling and making a silly face.

Paris blows a raspberry before giggling at herself and reaching out for me more.

"Talk to Vylad tonight. I can always take Paris until the morning," she says, kissing my daughter's cheek. "Speaking of Paris, when are you and my brother going to give her a sibling?"

I laugh. "I don't know. We haven't been able to have sex in six months because of her."


Vylad sets the book he's reading down on the table and reaches for the cup of tea in my hands. Typically, when I lay heavy news on him, I try to pick a time when it's suitable. He's normally calm, and work went well. Even if that wasn't the case today, I would have had to have this conversation with him because Kandi has Paris for the night.

"Where's our angel for the night?" Vylad asks, staring up at my standing figure. He sips from the tea and places it alongside the book, reaching for me to sit with him.

"Kandi took her. She wanted some quality time with our daughter," I comment, giggling when he presses his lip to the side of my neck innocently. "That or she's tired of me complaining about how much of a cock block our daughter is."

"You talk with my sister about our sexual life?"

I shake my head. "Not in the way you think. She asked when Paris is getting a new sibling, and I said that's incredibly hard to do when your child prevents the deed that must be done. Frankly, I don't want to be in the middle of having sex, and suddenly she wakes up crying."

He nods, his shoulders relaxing from my words. I don't wish to explain what happens during our nights to anyone, especially a sibling. Besides, I highly doubt they'd want to hear about what happens. I hated hearing about past encounters between Kandi and Laurance. I hate hearing about anyone's nights.

Vylad's arms snake around my waist, and he pulls me closer to his chest. Kisses are peppered against my cheeks and stray away to my neck and lips. I can feel his smirk against the skin of my neck when I mumble his name.

"I think you and your brothers should sit your mother down and talk about your feelings about who is heir to the company," I blurt out, pursing my lips together into a thin line.

Both his hands and kisses stop. "You really just ruined this moment by bringing up my mother."

I turn around in his lap, placing my hand on his cheek. "Vylad, you know you guys should do this. This has been lingering for far too long. It's been at least a year. Don't you want it put to rest?"

"I don't want the company."

"Tell your mother that," I sigh.

His thumbs rub circles into my hips. He looks down for a moment, a saddened puppy dog expression on his face. Eventually he begins to nod his head, slowly, agreeing with me. "Yeah, I will. I'll tell my brothers that tomorrow. But for now, stop bringing up my mother."

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