Chapter 12

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While we were heading to Korea, Clint stopped us and demanded that we go back to the tower. They managed to intercept the cradle, but Natasha was captured in the process. So, Clint and I were trying to find her. Bruce and Tony were right above us working on a way to destroy whatever was inside the cradle. I even tried using my power to give us any clue where Ultron took Nat, just like how I tried finding Bucky, but I couldn't. It was irritating to me how I couldn't figure out the other form of my power.

As I made my way back from the bathroom, I stopped when I saw Steve and the Maximoff twins walking into the tower "Steve, what the hell?"

"Where's Tony?"

"He's in the lab with Bruce. They're trying to destroy what's inside the cradle. What are they—Why are they here?" Steve started walking and I followed. "What's going on?"

"They're not going to destroy it. They're going to try again."


"You heard me. They're going to try to create another one using whatever it is in the cradle." Steve barged inside the lab. "I'm going to say this once," he began.

"How about 'none-ce'?" Tony shot back.

Steve ordered, "Shut it down!"

Tony continued to work. "Nope. Not gonna happen."

"Tony, were you not listening to me when we were having that little heart to heart? Have some faith in the team," I insisted. "Whatever threat is coming, we can handle it together."

"Jersey, I get where you're coming from, but you don't understand. All of this is for-"

Steve cut Tony off, "You don't know what you're doing."

"And you do?" Bruce pressed, glaring at Steve and then the Maximoff twins. He pointed at Wanda. "She's not in your head?"

"I know you're angry," Wanda tried.

"Oh, we're way past that. I can choke the life out of you and never change a shade."

Steve came towards Bruce. "Banner, after everything that's happened-"

"It's nothing compared to what's coming!" Tony insisted.

"Tony, you're basing it off a threat that may never happen!" I fired back. "If this thing is like Ultron, we won't be able to stop it. You said so yourself at the farm."

"You don't know what's in there," Wanda agreed.

Steve added, "This isn't a game!"

A gust of wind hit me, followed by a spark flickering nearby, and papers flying. When I turned my head, I saw that Pietro wasn't next to Wanda anymore. He was right by Bruce, holding a plug in his hand. The machines started to turn off. "No, no, go on. You were saying?" Pietro goaded as he looked around the room. There was a gunshot that caused the glass beneath Pietro to fall. I saw Clint step on Pietro's leg so that he couldn't get up.

The monitors started to beep, making Tony turn around. "I'm rerouting the upload," Tony announced to Bruce. At that moment, Steve threw the shield to destroy the monitors. Tony slipped on his gauntlet and fired a blast at Steve.

"Tony, stop it!" I shouted. I looked over to see that Bruce had his arms wrapped around Wanda so she couldn't use her powers. "Bruce, let her go!"

I turned around to see that Tony and Steve were fighting again. Clint had just made his way upstairs to see what the commotion was all about as Wanda used her power to make Bruce let her go. Before I could decide who I was going to stop from fighting, Thor appeared. He jumped up from the cradle and summoned lightning.

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