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Brock Rumlow, an ex-Hydra associate, now an independent mercenary with an alias called Crossbones, walked to an old abandoned building located outside of Paris. A new potential client requested his service. He walked into the building assessing the area carefully, taking note of the long wooden table with one chair for each end of the table with a light hanging down to only illuminate the table and chairs. He had his men form a perimeter of the meeting site in case it was a trap. He wasn't interested in running into Steve Rogers and his excuse for a team.

"You didn't come alone," a sultry woman's voice said.

"Yeah, well, I'm not the trusting type," he replied coldly.

"Well, to be fair, I didn't come alone either," she said.

Creatures growled at that moment. Rumlow couldn't see the creatures that lurked in the shadows but he pulled out his weapon. "What game are you playing at?" He demanded as he kept his gun pointed in the direction of the voice.

"That's not necessary. They will only attack on my command." The soft clicking of heels tapped along the floor as she walked to the seat. She casually sat down and placed her hands on the table. "So, don't give me a reason to give them that command. You and your men are outnumbered and outmatched."

Grumbling, Rumlow took a seat. "So, what do you want?"

"Why do you wear that mask?" She questioned him. "Did the building that fell on you cause disfigurement?"

"I'm not here to play games with you, Lady. Tell me what the job is or I'm out of here."

"Take off the mask," she instructed calmly.

Rumlow was prepared to get up and leave, but something was stopping him. His hands found their way to his mask without his consent. He tried to regain control of his movements but her power was stronger. With shaky hands, Rumlow removed his mask to show his disfigurement.

Slowly, she stood up and walked over to him. She touched his face. A cool, yet burning, sensation grazed along his face down to his toes, causing him to groan in pain. Ever since the accident in Washington, Rumlow lost the ability to feel any kind of pain. Whatever this woman was doing, he could truly feel it. When she released his face, he gasped, cringing at the sensation that flowed through his body. She slid a broken mirror down the table for Rumlow to see. Gone were the scars from the building that collapsed on him. He looked like his old self.

"Unfortunately, I can't fix the nerve damage but the disfigurement isn't so hard." She sat back down on the chair, smirking at him. "I'm waiting for your gratitude."

"Thanks," he muttered acidly, knowing she was only trying to show how powerful she was to him. "So, what do you want?"

"I heard that you have experience dealing with the Avengers."

"What's it to you?"

"I'm going to need your assistance dealing with them."

"What do you mean with 'dealing with them?' As much as I enjoy getting under their skin, they aren't easy to kill."

"I just need you to cause a ruckus when I call you. And there will be something else I will need you to assist me on but until then, you just need to 'get under their skin' as you called it."

Rumlow scoffed, "You do realize this will probably be the easiest assignment anyone has ever given me."

"Usually the easiest assignments create a cloud of arrogance. Arrogance can lead to mistakes. I suggest you take this seriously."

"You haven't even given me an offer."

She tossed a small bag on the desk. Contents in the bag fell out to reveal beautiful jewels of various sizes and shapes. "That's just a start of what you can receive if you are successful with the tasks I give you."

Rumlow chuckled, "Alright, how do I contact you?"

"No need," she answered. "We'll be in touch. Do whatever you need to do to keep them on their toes but try not to kill them. Killing them too soon will ruin the fun I have planned for them. And understand that I have eyes and ears everywhere, Rumlow. I will know the moment you slip up. I will be very disappointed if you create a mess I would need to clean up. Do we have an understanding?"

Rumlow nodded and reached for the bag. Before he could grab the bag, she used her telekinetic power to bring the bag to her. There was only one deep purple jewel on the table. Rumlow scoffed at her. "Payment first, lady."

"That's your payment for now. Toy with them first. If I like what I see, your payment will continue. And again, try not to make a mess."

"So, as long as I piss them off, you're paying me?"

"Correct. I suppose you can call this your audition for the real job."

Rumlow grumbled as he left but held the jewel in his hand. The jewel was almost as big as a golf ball. He didn't like the idea of working for this unknown enhanced but he couldn't deny the compensation was beyond generous. Not to mention, he would have free rein to mess with his enemies as long as he didn't kill them. He got into his car and smirked at his second in command.

"Let's go piss off Captain Rogers. And maybe get his pal, Bucky, out of hiding too."

"What do you have in mind?" his second in command asked.

Rumlow snickered, "Oh, I got plenty of ideas. I want the team to meet with us at the rendevous point in 0800 hours."

As his second in command drove from the abandoned building, Rumlow examined himself in the mirror. He thought his disfigured face looked good considering what happened to him those few years ago but he was glad to see his old charming face again. He pulled out the purple jewel, examining it closely. He didn't know who his new boss was or what the Avengers did to piss her off, but he knew that she wasn't someone to mess with. Whatever she had planned for the Avengers, he knew it was going to be bad. And he was glad that he was going to be in the front row to witness their official demise.

A/N: Hello, loves! Thank you so much for reading the second story of Iliana and Bucky's love story! I hope you liked it as much as the first one.

I will be taking a small hiatus from the Soldier's Luna so that I can focus on my other marvel story which involves our lovable God of Mischief. I thought I would be able to balance both stories, my work, and my personal life but it's not as easy as it seems. So, please bare with me. Iliana and Bucky's story will continue, I promise.

I love reading your comments and I love how you all really get into the story. It makes me really happy. I also appreciate your votes so much. You all are really amazing. Thank you so much for the love and support.

XOXO- EternallyYoursLove.

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