All 7 Brothers x Manager!Reader ( Boyband AU )

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A/N: This is a boyband AU. The song is Absolutely Beautiful from the mobile game Twisted Wonderland. Credit goes to them. I will also put who's singing each part and the lyrics in italics. Enjoy!


" Damn, we're three minutes behind schedule. Where are they?!" I asked as I wandered through the stadium. I'm the manager for one of the biggest boybands in the entire Devildom: The Deadly Sins. These boys were just performing in the subway before I cam across them. I represented them, got them signed to Devildom Records, and promoted them so that they became the biggest boyband in the world.

And how do they repay me?! By disappearing from the arena before their show begins. We've put in the time, money, and effort for this performance to go perfectly. The president of the record company is here to see the show and we can't disappoint him. If we do, he may drop the boys from their record deal.

" Where could those seven brothers be?!" I asked out of frustration. I checked the dressing rooms, the snack stations, the tour bus, everywhere. But they're nowhere. " We're about to be five minutes behind schedule." I said. " Y/N." I heard someone say. I turned to see the President and Vice President of Devildom Record. " Mr.Diavolo and Mr.Barbatos. What are you doing back here? Shouldn't you be in your seats?" I asked.

I was sweating from nervousness. " We came back to see how you and the boys were doing but it seems they're nowhere to be found." Diavolo said. Barbatos shook his head. " I-I'm so sorry. They must be putting in some last minute practice before the show. But I promise I'll find them before the show begins." I said.

" They better. You know what happens if someone disappoints me." Diavolo said with an evil smirk. He and Barbatos walked way. " Maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to be dropped from Devildom Records." I said under my breath. I shook my head. " No time to think about anything else. I have to find the boys." I said. I ran off to find them.

No One's POV

" Okay. We have ten minutes. Let's do this." Lead Singer Asmo said. The seven brothers were currently outside the stadium trying to think of ideas for a new song. " Why did we ever promise our fans that we would have a new song by the time of the concert?" Levi asked. " We didn't. Mammon posted on our instagram page that we would as a joke. But people believed it." Satan said.

" Hey! It's not my fault our fans can't take a joke!" Mammon said. " You just say that so even more people would come and see the show so we would get more money!" Belphie said.
" Stop fighting everyone. I'm trying to eat my pre-show meal." Beel said. " Oh yeah. Like that'll help us write a new song." Asmo said.

The brothers continued to argue. " That's enough all of you. We have to do somethign or we'll disappoint our fans and Y/N." Lucifer said. " Disappointed the fans is bad but disappointing Y/N is worse. She's done so much for us." Levi said. The others nodded. It's a little obvious that all of the boys have a crush on Y/N. But Y/N is too busy to notice.

" You're right. Let's put on a show that'll please our fans and Y/N." Asmo said. " Yeah." All of the brothers said. " I think I just thought of an idea for a new song. But we need to be quick about it." Asmo said. The brothers nodded and got to work.


" It's almost time for the show to start and they're still no where to be found." I said while looking at my watch. " Y/N!" I heard someone say. I turned to see my assistance Solomon running down the hallway. " Solomon? What's wrong? Did you find the brothers?" I asked.
" No. I have some different, more exciting news. Simeon and Raphael are in the audience." Solomon said.

" You're kidding. They're here too?" I asked. Simeon and Raphael are the owners of the top record company Celestial Records. They signed multiple singers to their label. All of them have become huge stars. Diavolo is very jealous of them.

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