First kiss

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Lucifer: He would be focusing too much on paper work to notice anything else, including you. So you decided to snap him out of it by kissing him.

Mammon: He had invited you over for a movie night and wanted to watch a scary movie. His reasoning is because he wanted to show you he was brave. But he ended up getting scared. To ease his fears, you decided to kiss him. " W-What??? Y/N, you just-" You cut him off. " Kissed you? I know. You were just so scared that I wanted to ease your fears." You said. " I wasn't scared. The Great Mammon never gets scared. But can we kiss again?" He asked.

Levi: Similar to Lucifer, but he was too focused on his games to notice you. You decided to snap him out of it by kissing him. He lost his game but didn't mind because he got to kiss you.

Satan: While you were reading, he had you put your book down. When you did, he kissed you.
" I just wanted to try it because we've never kissed before." He said. He then walked away, leaving you a blushing mess.

Asmo: You and him were going shopping when a bunch of his fans came up to him. Most of them were asking him to marry them. You started getting jealous so you kissed him. " Sorry everyone. But this demon belongs to me." You said. Asmo then wrapped his arms around your waist. " Oh Y/N. Is my little kitten jealous? Or did you just want to kiss me?" He asked. You thought about it for a minute. " Both." You said. He then pulled you into another kiss.

Beel: You were both eating when Beel noticed you had chocolate on your lips. He kissed you to get rid of it. " You taste so good Y/N." He said.

Belphie: You decided to kiss him when he was asleep. After kissing him, he pulled you into bed and you fell asleep with his arms wrapped around him.

Diavolo: He invited you over to the castle to hang out. You ended up playing chess with him. You lost and asked Diavolo what he wanted for his prize. He asked for a kiss. You went up to him, sat on his lap, and gave him a kiss. He wanted to play chess with you more often so he could get more kisses.

Barbatos: You both would've been baking together when you got flour on your face. Barbatos helped you wipe it off. As a reward for helping you, he decided to kiss you. It was actually a soft kiss which surprised you.

Simeon: You were sitting in the school garden, looking at the flowers. His picked a flower and put it in your hair. " Hm. Not even this flower compares to your beauty." He said. He then kissed you. You turned red while Simeon let out a little chuckle.

Luke: Luke was the one to kiss you. He was avoiding you all day and you wanted to know why. You went up to him at the end of the day to ask about why he was avoiding you. Instead he jumped up and gave you a quick peck on your cheek. " I'm sorry." He said as he ran away. You stared for a second and then smiled.

Solomon: You were practicing a spell and ignoring Solomon. To get your attention, he walked over and kissed you. You ended up messing up the spell, but you were happy to get a kiss from your lover.

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