A Stranger Appears

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The year is 1999, New Year's Eve. The new year and millennium is coming in just a few moments. A square and his wife "sit" as they watch their version of a clock countdown to the new millennium. However, to their surprise, a stranger suddenly appears in their own home. Both confused and distraught, the stranger asks for the presence of A Square alone, as he had a message of sorts for him.

So what happened to Bill in his version of the story? Well, it's still the new millennium, as that is why the stranger appears. Chances are he'd be alone when the countdown happens since he'd probably choose not to be around his family if he had the choice. And just like with A Square, this stranger would have appeared in his home and asked to speak with Bill.

A Square/Bill was frightened and suspicious. Who wouldn't be when a stranger randomly appears out of thin air. The two, as a custom in Flatland, ask to feel this stranger. To A Square/Bill's surprise, they found that this stranger is somehow the most perfect circle they've ever met. Remember, in Flatland circles are just shapes with countless sides. No circle in Flatland is a true circle, since a true circle has no sides. This is a big deal to A Square/Bill. When A Square questions the stranger on how they could be so perfect, the stranger replies with this;

"I am indeed, in a certain sense a Circle," replied the Voice, "and a more perfect Circle than any in Flatland, but to speak more accurately, I am many Circles in one."

Bill would have received a similar answer if not the same answer. Then the stranger asks questions that neither can truly comprehend, believing this stranger was speaking utter nonsense. However, the stranger reveals a shocking statement to A Square/Bill.

"You see you do not even know what Space is. You think it is of Two Dimensions only; but I have come to announce to you a Third - height, breadth, and length."

Imagine some stranger that appears out of nowhere and starts telling you about the fourth dimension

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Imagine some stranger that appears out of nowhere and starts telling you about the fourth dimension. We'd be pretty confused or frightened. We live in the third dimension, so while we can comprehend everything and know how our world works, almost all of us would have trouble picturing the fourth dimension. That's exactly how A Square/Bill would feel. They understand everything about the 2nd dimension, but the third is unheard of. So of course, A Square/Bill doesn't understand. However, the stranger tries to give more depth to the situation.

"The Land of Three Dimensions whence I but lately looked down upon your Plane which you call Space forsooth. From that position of advantage, I discerned all that you speak of as solid (by which you mean "enclosed on four sides"), your houses, your churches, your very chests and safes, yes even your insides and stomachs, all lying open and exposed to my view."

This stranger explains to A Square/Bill what they can see. Remember way earlier how I said that one really good way for us to imagine what Flatland looks like, is to look down at blueprints. This is exactly what the stranger is explaining. He can see down upon Flatland, seeing multiple things from a birds-eye view. A Square/Bill by this point have multiple questions and demands answers from the stranger. The response from the stranger goes like this,

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