The psychological effects of Flatland on Bill Cipher

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When it comes to Bill, chances are he's gone through the same things some other adopted children go through. This is something important to his character overall. From a young age, he not only felt different than others, but he was different from others. It's hard to say exactly how this ended up changing him because there are two likely outcomes. For one, being different could have made him feel sad and alone. While on the other hand, being different could have fed to some kind of early ego, and we all know Bill Cipher's ego is huge. Perhaps both of these possibilities could have happened. Being different can still have fed his ego, but at the same time, he still would have been isolated. This would make him feel alone or feel no one truly understands him. (So basically teenage angst). But there's more proof that Bill would have some kind of ego as a child. Take a look at this;

"The birth of, a True Equilateral Triangle from Isosceles parents is the subject of rejoicing in our country for many furlongs around. .... The occasional emergence of an Equilateral from the ranks of his serf-born ancestors is welcomed, not only by the poor serfs themselves, ... but also by the Aristocracy at large."

Hear that? Bill's birth brought joy and celebration to everyone in Flatland. Being born an equilateral triangle is such a rare thing in Flatland because of how hard it is to achieve such a child. If that isn't something that raises one's ego then I don't know what is anymore. Starting to see how things are shaping the person we know Bill as? Oh yeah, it's all coming together.

Now that we know where he had grown up, who his family could be, as well as some other things, there's one thing we can ask

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Now that we know where he had grown up, who his family could be, as well as some other things, there's one thing we can ask... how exactly did Bill think of all this? What were his views on everything and how did he live his life? The easiest way to start answering those questions would be to start with the fact Bill is adopted.

In our real world, mental health can be related to adoption. According to psychiatric times, "Disorders assessed over the lifetime of the adoptees included oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), conduct disorder, major depressive disorder, and separation anxiety disorder." Let's break each of these down.
Oh and a quick note, again I'm not a doctor. This is all just really quick research into these diagnoses. The creators of gravity falls probably didn't create bill thinking about all this too. His personality and beliefs just end up falling into these classifications. Please take this section with a huge grain of salt.

The first listed mental health disorder is oppositional defiant disorder (ODD). This is a disorder that makes a person defiant and disobedient to authority figures.

Um, hello? That is literally Bill Cipher. We've seen time and time again that he doesn't listen to anyone but himself. He breaks rules all the time and directly goes against authority figures. For example, oh, I don't know, when he vaporized Time Baby? It's very clear he dislikes authority.

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