The Government and a Sphere, a Qurael

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This next part may not seem extremely relevant, but if everything I've said is even somewhat correct with Sphere, Bill, and Flatland, this event would have had to happen. This means it's something we actually can put on a timeline, and everyone loves those.

You see, Sphere's mission was not only just to contact A Square/Bill to have a pupil to teach the third dimension to. He had another job which included the government of Flatland. After A Square/Bill was taken out of Flatland for the first time and the initial reactions were dying down. Sphere needed to bring A Square/Bill to another place. So just like in the mindscape, they flew over to the capital of Flatland.

(For a while, quotes will be more stacked on top of each, as they are almost one after another in the book itself. I'll do minimal explanations)

"I looked, and afar off I saw an immense Polygonal structure, in which I recognized the General Assembly Hall of the States of Flatland, surrounded by dense lines of Pentagonal buildings at right angles to each other, which I knew to be streets; and I perceived that I was approaching the great Metropolis."

Basically, this place is like the capitol building or supreme court since that's what it is. Keep in mind that A Square/Bill is still seeing their world from a whole new life-changing perspective. As Sphere reached the gathering room, they started to listen in.

'"Here we descend," said my Guide. It was now morning, the first hour of the first day of the two-thousandth year of our era. Acting, as was there won't, in strict accordance with precedent, the highest Circles of the realm were meeting in solemn conclave, as they had met on the first hour of the first day of the year 1000, and also on the first hour of the first day of the year 0."

And so, the council meeting began. They meet like this every first day of the new millennium. Here's what they discuss.

'"Whereas the States had been troubled by divers ill-intentioned persons pretending to have received revelations from another World, and professing to produce demonstrations whereby they had instigated to frenzy both themselves and others, it had been for this cause unanimously resolved by the Grand Council that on the first day of each millenary, special injunctions be sent to the Prefects in the several districts of Flatland, to make a strict search for such misguided persons, and without the formality of mathematical examination, to destroy all such as were Isosceles of any degree, to scourge and imprison any regular Triangle (Hey, it's Bill's kind again. Another grin reminded of how he was treated ), to cause any Square or Pentagon to be sent to the district Asylum, and to arrest any one of higher rank, sending him straightway to the Capital to be examined and judged by the Council."

You see, on each of the two days, a being claiming to be from another world appeared. Each time a mass genocide and imprisonment happened to try and find this being. The government discussed what they were to do if this being appeared again like the last two times. I bet you already know where this is going, don't you?

"Meantime I must perform my mission. Stay thou there in thy place." Saying these words, he leaped with great dexterity into the sea of Flatland, right in the midst of the ring of Counselors. "I come," cried he, "to proclaim that there is a land of Three Dimensions."

It was Sphere. Shocking, I know. Sphere came down into Flatland and preached his truth just as he did in year 0 and year 1000. Here's how it played out;

"I could see many of the younger Counselors start back in manifest horror, as the Sphere's circular section widened before them. But on a sign from the presiding Circle - who showed not the slightest alarm or surprise - six Isosceles of a low type from six different quarters rushed upon the Sphere. "We have him," they cried; "No; yes; we have him still! He's going! He's gone!"

'"My Lords," said the President to the Junior Circles of the Council, "there is not the slightest need for surprise; the secret archives, to which I alone have access, tell me that a similar occurrence happened on the last two millennial commencements. You will, of course, say nothing of these trifles outside the Cabinet."'

Does it all make sense yet? It's ok if it doesn't all click. This isn't all super important to Bill himself as a character. But knowing the council exists is very important for later.

So how did it all end up? Well, the same as the last two times

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So how did it all end up? Well, the same as the last two times. Sphere was unable to convince or try and reason with the government. He eventually had to leave for his safety (as the points of isosceles triangles are still very deadly) and since no one was listening. The president executed anyone in the room who wasn't part of the high council and junior council. A large massacre happened in the capital of Flatland to not only those in that room but anyone who saw the persecuted being executed. Again, not as important to Bill other than for the timeline's sake. Although you could argue this was his first time witnessing mass killings. But again, he lives in Flatland. That kinda already happened.

Lets review:

- Bill is from the 2nd dimension, a world filled with different kinds of shapes and lines known as Flatland.
- Bill as an equilateral triangle is part of one of the lowest classes in society and is thus mistreated. Flatland has a social hierarchy that has triangles at the bottom, squares next, then pentagons, etc. Circles are at the top of society. At the very bottom (not considered part of society) are irregular triangles and irregular shapes, and the women who are straight lines.
- Unlike equal-sided shapes (every child has one more side than his father), Irregular triangles over many generations of careful breeding can have equilateral triangle sons.
- Bill Cipher, an equilateral triangle, comes from a line of ancestors (the isosceles) who have been oppressed all their lives for generations. Those same ancestors main purpose in society is to eventually give birth to Bill.
- Because of laws in Flatland, Bill would have been forcefully taken away from his birth parents and then adopted by a new family. He'd be forbidden to ever know or meet his birth parents.
- It's likely when growing up, Bill's ego, personality, mental health, and ideology were affected by living in Flatland.
- Bill would have gone to school and then would have started to learn about the hard truth of flatland.
- Bill Cipher's voice is echoey and loud because of Flatland. This is how Flatlanders can discriminate against triangles without being able to see shapes.
- In the gravity falls story, Bill Cipher takes the place of A Square from the book Flatland. Anything that happened to A Square, happened to Bill. The next parts of this review will be explaining what happened.
- A stranger appears before Bill. He is a Sphere (named Sphere) from the 3rd dimension. He explains to Bill that there is a third dimension but Bill does not believe him
- As a way to convince Bill, Sphere takes him into the Mindscape for the first time to see three dimensions.
- The theory of Bill being from Flatland and all the other things mentioned are proven by cannon, never before seen evidence in Journal
- Sphere came to Flatland to attempt to convince the government of flatland there is a dimension.

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