Bills Muse and Teachings

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Though Sphere failed with his mission to discuss the three-dimensional world with the government, he didn't completely fail. He still had A Square/Bill to teach. A Square/Bill began to learn under Sphere's guidance. The idea of teaching the third dimension to a figure from the 2nd dimension seemed impossible, A Square/Bill proved non the less that it was possible.

"Suffice it, that by his lucid statements, and by changing the position of objects and lights, and by allowing me to feel the several objects and even his own sacred Person, he, at last, made all things clear to me, so that I could now readily distinguish between a Circle and a Sphere, a Plane Figure and a Solid."

There's not much else for me to explain here other than that Sphere continued to teach A Square/Bill about the third dimension. It's possible during this time however, Bill started to learn about magic. In the Gravity Falls universe, the only way to access the mindscape is through some kind of magic. Bill naturally can move through the mindscape as a demon with his magic, Gideon and later Dipper enter the mindscape when Bill brings them in with his magic, and Dipper, Mabel, and Soos enter through a spell. Thus I believe that Sphere was also using magic. It can be reasoned that Bill started to learn magic as well at this same time.

Soon enough, A Square/Bill's thirst for learning took a slight turn for the worse

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Soon enough, A Square/Bill's thirst for learning took a slight turn for the worse.

'The Sphere would willingly have continued his lessons by indoctrinating me in the conformation of all regular Solids, Cylinders, Cones, Pyramids, Pentahedrons, Hexahedrons, Dodecahedrons, and Spheres: but I ventured to interrupt him. Not that I was tired of knowledge. On the contrary, I thirsted for yet deeper and fuller draughts than he was offering to me."

I very much believe that A Square's behavior is identical to Bills, and I have reasoning for it besides the two being based on each other. I will get to that reasoning later though since it wouldn't make sense to mention it now without other context. For now, let's dive deeper into A Square/Bill's new wants. This is a quote from A Square. I imagine Bill would have said something very similar. Every quote from here on out is something Bill would have said similarly.

"My Lord, your wisdom has taught me to aspire to One even greater, more beautiful, and more closely approximate to Perfection than yourself. As you, superior to all Flatland forms, combine many Circles in One, so doubtless there is One above you who combines many Spheres in One Supreme Existence, surpassing even the Solids of Spaceland. And even as we, who are now in Space, look down on Flatland and see the insides of all things, so of certainty, there is yet above us some higher, purer region."

Let's dive a bit further into what he said. A Square/Bill has come to the idea that there has to be someone above Sphere. Someone even more perfect and more advanced than a sphere. Someone who looks down at the third dimension like they look down at the second dimension. A Square/Bill continues with their explanation.

"But my Lord has shown me the intestines of all my countrymen in the Land of Two Dimensions by taking me with him into the Land of Three. What therefore easier than now to take his servant on a second journey into the blessed region of the Fourth Dimension, where I shall look down with him once more upon this land of Three Dimensions, and see the inside of every three-dimensioned house, the secrets of the solid earth, the treasures of the mines in Spaceland, and the intestines of every solid living creature, even of the noble and adorable Spheres."

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