Ep1- Independence Day

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New York City; July 4th; 9:22 EDT

Minister Blizzard laughs maniacally as his climate-changing machine-made New York City cloudy and snowing with hail.

"I will finally have my Ice Kingdom!" He laughed.

His laughing was cut short when he was hit from behind by a yellow lighting. He spun around, stumbling a bit.

"Can we finish this up?" The Brown-skinned girl questioned, looking at her watch as she stood on her hover disc. "I wanna get there in time before those speedsters."

"Why in such a rush?" The villain asked as he raised his ice gun. "Why don't you chill." He fired his ice gun at Discharge. She cringed as she dodged the icicles.

"And I thought your puns were bad."

Minister Blizzard raised his brow wondering who the girl was talking about until he felt a tap on his shoulder and turned around only to make contact with a fist full of green electricity, knocking him out.

"Please, they aren't so bad," said Soul power as Discharge destroyed the climate-changing machine. "Hey, I guess you could say he's out cold." Discharge cringed even more.

"Come on already." She said dragging her mentor. "Today's the day!"

Washington D.C.; July 4th; 14:00 EDT

The Hall of Justice

Before the Hall of Justice stands Batman and Robin, Soul power and Discharge, Green Arrow and Speedy, Aquaman and Aqualad. Batman turns to his sidekick. "Today’s the day."

"Welcome to the Hall of Justice." Green Arrow continues.

"Headquarters of the Justice League." Aquaman and Soul power finish.

"Oh, man!" Kid Flash’s voice cries out, catching all of their attention and causing them to turn away from the Hall for a moment. Flash skids to a stop first, followed closely by his sidekick.

"I knew we’d be the last ones here." he gripes crossing his arms, causing Flash to raise an eyebrow behind his cowl.

As they walk down the area opened so that they can get to the Hall the crowd goes insane. One spectator who’s particularly far-off questions quite loudly. Is that Batman?"

"Hey, there's Soul power and Sparky!" One exclaimed.

"I see Flash and Flash Jr." another calls out, this one female.

"His name is Speedy. Duh." someone objects, clearly having heard her get that sidekick’s name wrong.

"No, Speedy is Green Arrow’s sidekick." another, younger male, corrects.

"Well, that makes no sense." a fourth spectator quips.

"Ready to see the inner sanctum?" Green Arrow asks Speedy.

"Born that way," Speedy says, with a minute glance back at his mentor.

"I’m glad we’re all here," Aqualad says, turning the conversation towards the younger teens than himself and the one older than him.

"Have all five Sidekicks ever been at the same place at the same time?" Kid Flash questions, looking mostly towards Robin and Discharge because despite the fact that Robin's the youngest, they would know.

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