Ep3- Welcome to Happy Harbor pt2

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"And this would be the back." Miss Martian continues as they come out on the other side of the mountain. "The cave is actually the entire mountain."


"It was hollowed out and reinforced by Superman and Green Lantern in the early days of the League," Kai explains what she knows about the history of the mountain.

"Then why abandon it for the Hall of Justice?" Superboy questions.

"The cave’s secret location was… compromised," Aqualad explains.

"So they traded it in for a tourist trap?" Superboy questions, confused. "Yeah. That makes sense."

"If the Bad Guys know of the cave, then we must be on constant alert." she raises her hand in accentuation, thinking she’s figured it out.

"The Bad Guys know we know they know about the place," Robin assures, grabbing her hand and turning her towards him, then putting his other hand on top of hers. "so they’d never think to look here."

"Uh," Kid Flash interrupts and removing Robin’s hand from Miss Martian’s. "he means we’re hiding in plain sight."

"Ah, that’s much clearer." Miss Martian still scratches her head, clearly still confused.

Kai sniffs. "I think I smell, " She pause, sniffing again to be sure she was right. "Smoke?"

Superboy sniffs twice. "Me too. "

Miss Martian gasps. "My cookies." then flies down the hallway. Making it to the kitchen and removing said cookies, with telekinesis, before the others can make it into the room. As she sets them down the others enter the room, looking at the burnt-black cookies on the tray.

"I was trying Grammy Jones’ recipe from episode 17 of—" she cuts herself off with an awkward chuckle. "Nevermind."

"I bet they’d tasted great," Robin assures then looks back to the other three boys. "He doesn’t seem to mind."

With his mouth still half full and a burnt cookie in each hand, Aqualad and Superboy can only watch in stunned silence. "I have a serious metabolism." he offers weakly.

"I’ll… make more?" Miss Martian seems unsure how to take that comment.

"It was sweet of you to make any," Aqualad tells her.

"Thanks, Aqualad." Miss Martian says, ducking her head slightly.

"We’re off duty. Call me Kaldur’ahm." he insists. "Actually, my friends call me Kaldur." he clarifies with very little hesitance.

"I'm Wally." Kid Flash speaks up, leaning on the island. "See? I already trust you with my secret ID, unlike Mr. Dark Glasses over here." Robin frowns and glares at Wally as he puts his hands on his hips, annoyed by the speedster’s slightly accusatory tone. "Batman's forbidden Boy Wonder from telling anyone his real name."

"Ow!" Wally rubs his shoulder, where Kai stung him a bit.

"I'm Kai."

"Mine’s no secret." Miss Martian admits brightly. "It’s M’gann M’orzz. But you can call me Megan. It’s an Earth name, I’m on Earth now." she seems really excited about that fact.

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