Ep2- Fireworks pt2

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In the hallway, the five are running down the once cream-colored bumps in the wall begin to glow the same red color as the horns on the G-gnome.

"We are still 42 levels below ground." Aqualad says, not even panting as he runs at full tilt. "but if we can make the elevator..." he trails a G-trolls block their way, first two further away, then more and steadily getting closer to them.

The five stop and look back the way they came. The glowing orbs now have pale white figures moving inside them. Genomorph Elves come out in a large group. The five are trapped.

The lead G-troll strikes from behind and all five jump back to avoid its crushing blow. Aqualad and Discharge moves right around it, while Kid Flash and Robin go left. Superboy glares and jumps to cross it in the jaw. Knocking it down, but he is then surrounded by three more and is brought down as one pins him to the ground with its massive paw.

Another drops low on all fours and swings its head towards Aqualad, attempting to hit him with its large horns. Aqualad jumps into a backflip over the assault, giving Discharge and Robin the chance to get in front of it and take its attention as he grabs his horn to follow Aqualad over the G-troll's shoulder.

Kid Flash has another tailing him and runs it into the wall, before running along it to end up beside Aqualad, Discharge, and Robin. The four turn as they hear the hallway shake and crumble. Their attention lands on Superboy who is fighting off G-trolls and slamming them into the wall and using his full strength. Despite the fact that it's causing the hallway to begin to fall apart.

Aqualad speaks up, nearly yelling, but just so he can ensure that he's heard. "Superboy, the goal is escape. Not to bury ourselves here."

Superboy turns to the four with an insane look, but also anger playing across his face. "You want to escape?" he demands, grabbing an unconscious G-troll's arm and throws it into the two that are coming towards him with a battle cry.

As he does Discharge pries the elevator doors open, this time taking no care in the fact that she's bending the doors. Kid Flash, Aqualad, and Robin join her, looking at the twelve-story drop below them, and the seemingly never-ending darkness above them.

Kid Flash jumps to the side of the column, while Robin uses his grappling hook to get a couple of stories above them. As a G-troll comes to take out both Superboy, Aqualad, and Discharge with a mighty punch the Boy of Steel grabs Discharge and Aqualad’s waist and jumps into the elevator shaft. Attempting to fly, and getting nearly 9 levels before gravity begins to pull them back down.

Shock shows in Superboy's eyes, while confusion shows in Aqualad's and Discharge's. "I- I’m falling." he realizes numbly.

Robin’s eyes widen as he realizes what’s happening, using his Batarang he gives Discharge and Aqualad something to hold onto. The Atlantean and the brown-skinned girl strains but doesn’t let go. The hold now reversed so Aqualad and Discharge are holding him, Superboy’s eyes have sadness and confusion filling them. "Superman can fly. Why can’t I fly?"

"Don’t know," Kid Flash says, drawing the Boy of Steel’s attention to him and Robin who are standing on the level just below them. "but it does look like you can leap tall buildings in a single bound. Still cool." Then Robin helps Superboy down to the small ledge while Kid Flash helps Discharge. Aqualad follows shortly thereafter.

"Ah, thank you," Superboy murmurs.

A whir from above them catches Robin’s attention. "Guys, this will have to be our exit." above them, the high-speed express elevator is coming down.

Aqualad and Superboy take out the doors, now showing that they are on SL-15. All five of them just making it out of the column in time. G-elves are attracted to the sound and make their way towards the five teens in a squad of six, followed closely by a G-troll.

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