Ep4- Drop zone pt2

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"Callade!" Bane hisses at the other man tied to the tree. "Por el momento lo llamaré. Y entonces me darán lo que necesito." (Quiet! For now, I’ll call {play along}. {And then} They’ll give me what I need.)

Superboy smirks, understanding every word and knowing just how to play Bane at his own game. Though he’s mildly distracted when Kid Flash shouts again. "Yeah? You don’t even have SuperPowers!" he sees Kid Flash go to walk away from the conversation, but the Boy Wonder follows close behind.

"Neither does Batman!" is the thirteen-year-old’s retort.

Kid Flash stops "Duh," he snaps, then rounds the Boy Wonder again, "you’re not Batman."

"Chuh, closest thing we’ve got." Robin retorts, he jabs his thumb at himself to prove his point.

Discharge has enough for the argument that seems to be getting nowhere. "Ladies, ladies, you're both pretty… Can we go home now? "

As Bane finally gives his consciousness away to the three teens, they snap their heads in his direction. Kid Flash is still annoyed, but Robin’s eyes go wide. "Such clever ❛niños pequeños.❜. But you only know half the story." Bane baits them. The whole Team now steps in so they can see Bane. "Let me show you the rest, get you into the factory via my secret entrance."

Miss Martian steps up. "There is a secret entrance" then she kneels down and places her hand on her temple to further concentrate. "but he’s also hiding something." her tone goes sour and her eyes glow white.

"Ah, ah, ah chica. Bane is not that easy." he says smugly.

Miss Martian’s eyes still glow but she loses her intensity. "Ohh." she groans, pulling out of his mind. "He’s mentally reciting ❛fútbol❜ scores en ❛Español❜." She looks over her shoulder at the others. "This could take a while."

"Discharge." Aqualad calls. "On it." She responds, walking forward towards Bane as she cracks her knuckles. She kneels in front of him. "¿Alguna vez te ha disparado una bala electrificada?" (Have you ever been shot by an electrified bullet?) She says in a low tone and silently points a prototype of her version of an electric gun against his stomach which surprises him. "Así que habla perra" (so talk you 🐶)

Bane finally speaks up after a moment as anyone else does. "It’s not complicated. The enemy of my enemy is my friend."


In the factory, they are still creating Venom. "Sublime Master, he approaches."one of the soldiers says as Kobra comes to a stop beside him.

"Activate the radio-jamming net. Nothing must interfere." Kobra instructs

The soldier nods, bows, and leaves.

On top of a cliff, the Team and Bane can see the factory clearly. Bane stops about three feet from the edge, pointing. Both Robin and Kid Flash both step up to get a closer look. Kid with his goggles, Robin with a pair of binoculars. What he sees is a forklift and containers by a helipad.

"Look at all that product." Robin mutters, shocked. "A buy is going down." Bane walks away, but the Team remains. "But if Kobra’s not selling to the usual suspects, then﹘"

"We need to identify that buyer." Aqualad states with conviction.

"Just what I was thinking." Kid Flash agrees, lifting his goggles as he stands up straighter.

"Yeah. You’re the thinker."Robin says with a smirk as he stands up.

"Sarcasm?" Kid Flash questions, annoyed. Discharge is getting tired of this honestly "Dude listen. A leader would focus on getting answers." All four are observing Bane as he lifts a giant rock away from the entrance to an old mine. The only point of his efforts is a few grunts. While Miss M and Superboy exchange a slight look of confusion.

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