Ep2- Fireworks pt3

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Superboy punches a small piece of rubble so he can stick his hand through and push the larger piece covering the five of them up with his shoulder. All five now have evidence of their injuries in their torn suits, but they're okay.

Breathing heavily Aqualad turns to Discharge, Robin, and Kid Flash. "We… did it."

"Heck... Yeah, we did. " Discharge says also breathing heavily.

"Was there… ever any doubt?" Robin questions, barely exchanging a look with Kid Flash and Discharge before they high five, but are forced to drop it as they aggravate their injuries on their sides and stomachs.

Superboy steps fully out of the rubble they were covered in and looks to the still pinned Blockbuster.

"See?" Kid Flash questions, drawing Superboy's attention away from the villain and using his thumb to gesture. "The Moon."

Superboy can only stand and take it all in, but then a figure appears in its light, cloaking him in shadows. Superboy squints slightly, trying to see who it is. As he slows and turns perpendicular to the ground it’s obviously Superman.

Discharge places her hand on Superboy's shoulder. "And Superman. " She smiles and surprisingly he smiles a little.

Martian Manhunter, Zatara, Soul Power, Captain Marvel, and Red Tornado fly behind the Big Blue Boyscout. Followed by Captain Atom, Hawkman, Wonder Woman, Hawkwoman, and the first Green Lantern (Hal Jordan). The second Green Lantern (John Stewart) brings a platform for the Leaguers who can’t fly; Black Canary, Aquaman, Batman, and Green Arrow.

As Batman steps up to Superman, Flash zooms in, standing to Batman’s left. Soul Power lands next to Superman.

Superboy steps up first, gaining scrutiny in Superman’s eyes, but not stopping as he lifts the torn front of his suit, revealing the same S that is mirrored on his own costume. Superman's eyes widen in shock, while Superboy’s features soften. Only for Superman's gaze to turn hard and cold, bringing on an annoyed look of confusion on Superboy’s face.

"Is that what I think it is?" Batman questions.

"He doesn’t like being called an "it"." Kid Flash says stepping up and putting his left hand to face towards Superboy as speaks.

"And he has a name. " Discharge says, glaring at Batman.

"I’m Superman’s clone!" Superboy speaks up, gaining a shocked look from Kid Flash. While Martian Manhunter looks to Captain Marvel, Flash looks to Green Arrow, and Aquaman and Black Canary can only look on in shock.

Batman’s eyes zero in on his protége’s. "Start talking."


Both Green Lanterns have Blockbuster trapped inside a sphere, while Hawkman, Hawkwoman, and Captain Atom fly alongside them.

Superman is having a conversation with Wonder Woman and Martian Manhunter. Nothing is said for a moment, then Manhunter places a hand on Superman's shoulder, causing Superman to meet Superboy’s gaze. The clone’s look is curious, while Superman’s is hard. The clone looks away, then glances back, seeing Superman look down and away from him before finally turning and walking towards him.

Superman sighs as he meets his cross-armed clone. "We’ll, uh, we’ll figure something out for you. The League will, I mean." he corrects himself quickly. "For now I better make sure they get the Blockbuster creature squared away." then he flies away with a swish of his cape. Leaving Superboy following him with shocked, hurt, and confused eyes.

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