Ep3- Welcome to Happy Harbor pt3

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Mr. Twister then throws both his hands up, creating two more tornadoes, which Superboy and Discharge withstand, but before Superboy can gain any more ground Twister redirects the tornado, grabbing Superboy before launching him into the wall, a good fifteen feet off the ground. As he hits the wall dents and he falls to the metal floor, unmoving. Discharge managed to hit Mr. Twister with a few Electrical Bolt causing him to glitch a bit but after the fourth one, he stop and creates a tornado, throwing her to the ground next to Robin.

Now on the main floor with Aqualad and Kid Flash, M’gann turns the two more experienced boys. From his pocket, Wally pulls out his goggles sliding them over his eyes. As Robin gets back to his feet in front of him and helps Discharge up on her feet the barefoot Atlantean looks to M’gann then nods. Understand the Martian nods back. All four take off as a group around the Boy Wonder.

Kid Flash speeds through a front handspring before aiming with both his feet at Mr. Twister’s chest. He doesn’t quite make it as Mr. Twister raises his hands to create vortexes that stop him in his tracks. Then turn 180° and launching Kid Flash out the bay doors, where he skids across the parking lot.

Unamused, Twister turns back in time to create twisters under a flying M’gann and a charging Aqualad, knocking both of them back and eliciting a yell. Aqualad hits a corner of one of the support beams, while M’gann narrowly misses and crashes into the raised grated walkway another ten feet behind the Boy Wonder and the brown-skinned girl.

"I was prepared to be challenged by a superhero." Twister goads, as Robin pulls a disk out from under his jacket. "I was not, however, expecting children."

"We’re not children!" Robin yells, launching a small bomb then the disk.

Twister counteracts the bomb with dual vortices, causing it to explode at a harmless distance, thinking the Boy Wonder faked one of his moves he lets the vortices drop, giving the disk the opportunity to land in the center of his chest plate. Which the villain flicks away with one finger. "Objectively, you are." only then does it explode. "Have you no adult supervision? I find your presence here quite disturbing."

"Well, we hate to see you disturbed." Robin bites back, bringing Twister’s attention back to the standing five members of the Team. "Let’s see if you’re more turbed once we kick your can!"

With that M’gann reaches out with her telekinesis. Destroying the fixture over his head, creating a steam barrier that Superboy jumps through. Even with the barrier Twister still reacts fast enough to catch Superboy before he can land a hit. Throwing him back and causing him to hit where the ceiling changes height, then bounce off to fall into a flying M’gann. Robin, Aqualad, and Discharge dodge without missing a beat. The Brown skinned girl and Atlantean’s hands charging with electricity. Twister says nothing as his hands begin creating vortices, that then become miniature twisters then pick up Aqualad, Discharge and Robin before slamming them into each other.

"Indeed." the villain says, rising off the ground. "That was quite turbing. Thank you." then leaves as the Team groans back to consciousness


Outside, in the beginnings of the forest with the evidence of his crash surrounding him Kid Flash comes to. Seeing Twister leaving he runs in front of the villain, then rolling to change direction and rolling through two more somersaults to stare down Twister. "What have you done to my team?" he demands.

"Embarrassed them, largely," Twister says, then bringing both his hands together to form a singular twister that snatches Wally up and is heading right for the outside wall of the power plant.

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