Ep3- Welcome to Happy Harbor

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Star City- Docks; July 17th, 23:16 PDT

In the cover of the night, two people are unloading a truck. As they remove the first long, flat, container an arrow drops between the two of them. Red fletching showing off and the nock blinks bright red before releasing gas. The two stumble and the container goes flying, popping open to reveal a high-tech gun. Which slides to the feet of one of their associates. He takes aim, the barrel gaining three red streaks. He looks at the construction set up over his head, finally zeroing in on Speedy, who seems to have fully ditched the hat.

"You again!" Brick yells at the teenager. "I’m starting to get insulted Green Arrow’s not messing up my operation personally." then narrows his eyes as he aims for Speedy.

The Arrow-themed protége dives right grabbing onto the next support column, just barely staying in front of the shots. As Brick shoots at the bridge that he nearly grabbed he drops down one level and runs across that bridge instead. Brick shoots just in front of the young man, who changes his momentum so he flips as he nocks an arrow and releases it. Shooting it right down the barrel, causing it to explode in Brick’s hand, leaving him physically unharmed even though it shreds his suit.

"Do you know what I pay for a suit in my size?!" he yells even more angry at the Arrow-themed eighteen-year-old. "Scorch the Earth, boys," he commands.

The other four raise their guns to do just that, but a blur comes through and two of them are suddenly left weaponless. The other two turn towards where the blur ran off to, only for their guns to be knocked out of their hands. Robin swings into an opening in the crates with his happy cackle. Bringing their attention right to Aqualad.

The Atlantean drops down with his WaterBearers turning into whips which hit the smugglers in full force. Knocking them into the back of the truck and to the ground, unconscious.

The Atlantean drops down with his WaterBearers turning into whips which hit the smugglers in full force. Knocking them into the back of the truck and to the ground, unconscious.

Brick lifts a chunk of concrete and throws it at Speedy who is also using the crates to his advantage as he waits to strike with his already nocked arrow. He comes to a stop, bracing himself in a downward diagonal with his foot on one of the crates as he launches an arrow that explodes as it hits Brick’s massive shoulder. It doesn’t stop the MetaHuman from throwing another piece of concrete at Speedy. However, this time Speedy jumps out of the way, nocking another arrow as Aqualad jumps where Speedy was with a mace and sword formed from his WaterBearers. Chopping the concrete in two. Giving Speedy the opening to hit Brick with a gas arrow.

Speedy walks to the slightly out of breath Aqualad as he releases the Magic that lets his WaterBearers take shape. "The cave is perfect. It has everything the Team will need." the Atlantean tells the older Hero.

"For covert missions," Robin says dropping down behind Speedy. "You know, spy stuff."

Kid Flash runs up the crates and lands just shy of the edge with inverted half. "And wait till you see Superboy and Miss Martian," he says excitedly. "But I saw her first."

"Where's Discharge?" Speedy asks, noticing the absence of the girl he thinks of as a sister figure.

"Oh, she said she's feeling under the weather." Kid Flash answers. "I'm gonna check on her after this. "

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