Chapter Seventeen

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Sorry for the delay in posting this, every thing right now is very hectic as all my assignments are due in and then exams so you'll have to bare with the updates for the next 2-3 weeks.

This is dedicated to LiveinLove13, thank you for your support :)


Dem" her mom tried to stop her rambling on but she continued to defend him with any ounce of fight left. She looked exhausted and despite her best attempts to keep strong for Wilmer her eyes were red and distant.

"He can stay"

"I know you won't let him but... What really?" Demi was shocked, she expected this to be a full on fight, she couldn't leave Wilmer alone at a time like this she didn't dare.

"Really" she smiled and welcomed her daughter into her arms. "However..." Demi rolled her eyes knowing what was coming.

"Yeah... He has to stay in the guest bedroom at night" she replied back. Her mom smiled and kissed her forehead.

"I'll go cook us something quick to eat I can tell by the noises your stomach is making you haven't eaten all day. Why don't you go show Wilmer where he can stay" Demi nodded and went back outside shutting the door.

Her mom went to the window where the blinds had already been opened a fraction. She watched as her daughter embraced the older teen like she was a mom herself, the way she held onto him with every centre-meter of her hand. Demi walked him into the home. He tried to smile at her mom yet felt it drop within moments. He couldn't smile it hurt him. She didn't take it personally and carried on cooking for the three of them.

"This is your room" Demi said softly. Wilmer smiled and kissed her cheek. "I could just go home I don't have to be here"

"That's where you're wrong" she walked him into the room sitting on the edge of the bed with him besides her. "You do have to be here. I want you here and I'm not leaving you alone" she grabbed for his hand.

"What did I do to deserve you aye?" He tried to laugh lightly. Demi's cheeks went bright red at the comment. She wished more people felt that way about her. "Absolutely nothing" she replied biting into her lips before pushing them against his.

"What did you say to make your mom let me stay?" He asked. He was the only person who would know the most about their complicated relationship. She was surprised he hasn't asked sooner though she wasn't complaining.

"Not a lot if that's what you mean. I just said you couldn't be alone and she agreed" she sighed. "She did however remind me where you sleep at night" Wilmer nodded.

"Thought so. While I'm here I'll respect your mom wishes though knowing you were there at night I don't know" he stopped himself before he said anything else. Right now his mouth was a whole new person. He wanted to tell her who much he cares for her, how much no one else would ever do this for him. And yet he knew she understand and say the same if the cards were swapped over.

"Guys" her mom shouted down seconds before Demi could ask anything further. They stood up, Wilmer grabbed Demi's hand stopping her by the door. He kissed her cheek before walking down the stairs first with her hand attached in his.

They ate dinner in an awkward silence. No one wanted to say the obvious questions on their mind. As Demi's mom cleared up the empty plates she rested her hand comforting Wilmer the best way she could. Her emotions were always difficult to show and commonly mistaken.

"I'm going to go have a bath" Demi kissed his forehead before she exited the room. Wilmer was take the week off and sort out what he needed too however the deal was Demi attended school and surprisingly she was willing as long as her mom helped Wilmer if she needed it.

Wilmer helped clear the few things left on the table and sat down on the couch and turned the TV on. Dianna came and sat down next to him handing him a cup of coffee.

"Thank you" he smiled before sipping it slowly.

"You're welcome here for as long as you need" she simply said like it wasn't an important or big decision to make.

"I won't be here that long, I'm here more for Demi. I don't want her to worry" his words were honest and sincere.

"I understand and it means a lot that even you're going through this your main concern is my daughter, but please know from the both of us, especially me you're welcome here for as long as you need" She wanted him to understand he didn't have to be alone. She knew Demi wasn't going anywhere anytime soon but still.

"I'm very grateful to you and your daughter" he smiled softly. It was true. Demi was the light in his life; it was the only thing stopping him from breaking like china being smashed right now. As long as he had her he could keep this together. He could improve knowing she'd be there to hold his hand and comfort him.

"If you need any help tomorrow I'm around okay?" She said standing up, she was excusing herself to go to bed.

Wilmer nodded sure of her proposal. "Thank you Dianna"

She disappeared up the stairs and went into her room. A few moments later Wilmer knocked on Demi's door. She called for him to come in. she was sitting in a towel and was brushing her damp hair to try get the knots out.

"You okay?" She asked him.

He nodded and sat down next to her on the bed. She reached her spare hand to his. He held onto her hand so tightly, it didn't hurt her but she understood he needed her. She got up and changed into some pyjamas in her bathroom before coming back in and pulling the duvet down and getting into bed dragging Wilmer with her. She laid behind him and held him that whole night, she felt the wetness on her hand and knew he finally cried.

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