6) The Salad

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"What's this? Next step of your manipulation?" Loki asked as the elevator opened.

"No this is the final step." Mobius stated. "Your last chance." He looked at Loki, not Wanda.

"Oh and what does our desperate last chance require?" Loki asked, sticking his hands in his pocket.

The three walked out and down the hallway, Mobius leading them to the next spot.

"Work." Mobius stated.

"Work?" Loki asked, confused.

Mobius led them inside of another elevator, one that had an open window so all three could see how far up they were.

Wanda stayed towards the back of the elevator, not looking out the window and definitely looking a tad bit uneasy.

"What's the problem?" Loki asked.

"I don't like heights apparently." Wanda replied.

"Don't you literally use you magic to fly?" Loki scoffed.

"And here I don't have my magic so if this thing breaks, I can't help."

"It's not going to break." Mobius assured her.

Once they landed, Mobius stepped out first and Loki followed him, Wanda following Loki.

The new room they were in was much much taller than the previous rooms they were in, and had three large statues at the entrance.

"The time keepers. Hmm." Loki hummed before Mobius began talking as he led them forwards.

"I need you, Loki, to go over each and every one of the Variant's case files and then give me your... how do I put it? Your unique Loki perspective." Mobius said. "Wanda, I need you too look at the files after him and proof read everything then give me your witch perspective. And who knows? Maybe there's something that we missed."

"Well you're idiots. I suspect you probably missed a lot." Loki replied simply.

"Well that's why I'm lucky I got ya for a little bit longer."

The three reached an area with desks and bookshelves and Mobius stopped them.

"Let me park ya at this desk and don't be afraid to really lean into this work. Here's a good trick for you, pretend your life depends on it. I'm gonna get a snack." Then Mobius walked off.

Loki watch him exit, then turned to the desk with the files. Wanda went over and sat down, looking at the files, then Loki joined her, sitting across from her.

"If you're an Avenger then these file works should come easy to you. How about you start?" Loki gave a smile.

"Mobius requested you start, have fun." Wanda replied, pushing a small stack of papers and folders in front of him.

Loki groaned but opened the first one. He flipped through the papers and picked up one to read it while Wanda took the ones that he tossed to the side.

"Oh my goodness. Don't tell me the Variant ambushed and killed another team of Minutemen." He gasped dramatically. Wanda raised a brow but didn't stop him. "And stole their reset charges as well!" The sarcastic exclaim faded as he moved the paper in front of Wanda to read another.


Wanda looked behind Loki and saw a woman who was reading different file work. Loki raised his head from the papers and turned around to see who spoke to him.


He said back, very maturely.

After a bit more looking through- and by that I mean glancing at before pushing it to Wanda- the paperwork, Loki got up.

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