29) Many Questions

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The four sat in one of the living rooms. Two couches and one comfy chair sat in the room with multiple bookshelves around the room.

Wanda and Loki sat on one of the couches, America on the other. Strange sat in the solo chair.

America had a stare on Wanda, but everytime Wanda glanced to her, she looked away.

"So you two were at a place called the Time Variance Authority?" Strange asked.

"Yes." Loki replied.

"And they consider themselves to be the rulers of the uh.. timeline?"


"So the two of you got sent to the Void, a vacuum space at the end of time, and then escaped with a device that can send people to any point on the timeline."


"While your friend, Sylvie, who is another version of Loki, stayed back to kill whoever was behind this?"

"Yep." Wanda said this time.

"So how did you end back on earth?" America asked. "And how come I've never met the TVA although I'm a multiversal traveler." She added.

"Well for one," Wanda noticed America cringe a bit when she spoke, but she tried to ignore it. "I assume Sylvie killed the person in charge and it caused a disruptive thing to go through the system and it tried to change my perception of reality, which my magic sensed. So we got out before it could change us or kill us. For two, I'm not sure. Maybe everything you've done up until now has been necessary in the TVA standards, or you jumped through the portal to here after they got taken down and no other TVAs live among the universe."

America gave a glare to her as she talked, but then nodded and turned away to look at Strange.

"Sure." She muttered.

Wanda gave an internal sigh. She wanted America to warm up to her, but there was no way that she could see. America already hated her and she couldn't even blame her.

"Okay so let's say this Sylvie person did kill the man behind it all, and that means that the timeline now has no restrictions. Now there are endless possibilities that could occur since the timeline isn't under watch. The multiverse will collide on itself." Strange said.

"But then that wouldn't explain what I felt back in the TVA. Something was changing, yes, but what if another person came in and took charge? Someone with more power than the first had?" Wanda suggested.

"Why do you think that?" America asked.

"My running theory is that whoever is behind this has the ability to time travel, meaning that they could've gone back in time in our universe when the man in charge was killed, so therefore they can take over completely and rewrite everything now." Wanda said.

Loki was staring between the three of them, completely lost.

"Time travel is confusing. But we could use the Tempad, although Mobius did warn not to use the Tempad when it came to events like these." Wanda said, noticing his look.

"I wish we still had the time stone." Strange muttered.

"Wait, I know!" Wanda exclaimed. "Tony Stark. Before I left, the Avengers were talking about pulling a time scamp and they said they would go ask Tony Stark. I'm not a huge fan of man but chances are, he most likely built a successful time machine."

Strange bit the inside of his mouth, looking at Wanda with a hint of pity.

"What?" Wanda asked.

"Tony Stark, uhm. He's gone." Strange said. "He died, sacrificing himself to kill Thanos."

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