19) Lots of Lokis

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"Am I dead?"

Wanda blinked a few times, trying to get adjusted to her new surroundings. She felt like she was leaned against a large rock, but was sitting on grass. This definitely wasn't the TVA.

Her vision was a bit hazy, but something she could definitely see, was a hand in front of her face.

"Not yet darling. But you will be, soon if you don't come with us."

She blinked once more to see Loki and a breath of relief escaped her lips. His hand was held out to hers and she took it, helping herself up. He'd followed her here. But what did he mean by us? Mobius??!

Then she noticed something off. For one, this Loki had a different hair style. And he had two, short, golden horns on his head like a little crown/helmet. They looked like Sylvie's, except hers had one horn broken, this one was perfect.

"Loki?" She questioned, trying to figure out if she was seeing things.

"Oh so you've heard of me." The god smirked.

Then Wanda noticed a President badge on his uniform.

"Oh you must be a variant." She mumbled.

"Ah, so you've met a different version of me. Don't you worry. I assure you, I'm much better." He said.

"Where are we?" She asked, trying to get over this new Loki.

"The end of the world. That thing," He pointed towards a large, black smoke in the distance. "Will try to kill us all, so I advise you to join me and my crew. Or, you can wait for your lesser Loki who may not even show up. It's your choice."

Wanda glanced around. How a cloud could kill her, she didn't know. But she decided not to take any chances, so she looked at President Loki.

"Okay, I'll follow you." She said with a grim smile.

"I'm so glad you chose that." He took her hand, a bit rougher than the original Loki would have, but it was the end of the world apparently so Wanda just accepted it.

They walked down a hilly pathway. The place was abandoned, no life forms anywhere, just broken pieces of... things everywhere.

Wanda walked quickly, trying to keep up with President Loki's long steps. It was like he was trying to trip her.

"So you have a crew?" She asked.

"Yes, many other Lokis that I've found over the years. You don't appear to be a Loki, which is okay because I wouldn't want a female Loki at my side." He grimaced.

Wanda smiled at the thought of Sylvie. Hopefully she was okay. Same with Loki. They were both still with whoever pruned her, but they were strong and could handle themselves.

As they walked, Wanda's senses perked, like someone or something was near her that she'd sensed before.

"Wait one moment."

Wanda pulled her hand away from President Loki's and walked off the trail. She allowed her magic to lead her and she arrived at a small pile of dirt.

Not wanting to get her hands dirty, Wanda raised her hand and red magic picked at the dirt until it revealed a different pile of brown. This one had fur.


Wanda picked up the tabby and smiled brightly.

"I'm so sorry for leaving you back at that awful planet. I'll never leave you again, I promise." Wanda said, wiping off the dirt from their face so she could give the kitten little kisses.

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