20) Lot's of Lokis, p2

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Loki gave a gasp as he woke up, his eyes snapping open.

He was laying on the ground, he could feel the grass underneath him.

"Wanda?" He muttered.

He turned his head to the sides, looking for the witch who'd arrived here only moments before.

"What is this?" He spoke to himself. "Is this.. Hell?"

"Not quite. But you'll be in hell unless you come with us." Someone spoke.

Loki pushed himself up on his elbows and looked to the people standing in front of him.



An older version of himself stood, wearing large, yellow horns on his head. A kid version of himself wore shorter horns like a crown more than a helmet. A version of himself that he didn't recognize held a large weapon, standing next to the other two. And a crocodile or alligator with a golden horned helmet was being carried by the kid.

This was definitely hell.

Loki stood up, flicking his hair away from his face.

"What is this place? Where are we? Who are you?" He asked.

Behind him was a large, black cloud of smoke. It didn't look pleasant, but nothing else in this place did either.

Broken buildings, torn up towns, fallen trees. All that on the other side of him. Beyond that, it was just hills and more rubble.

"This is The Void. That's Alioth, and we're his lunch. Come on!" The old Loki said, marching over to regular Loki and hitting him in the shoulder to get his attention away from everything else and back on the variants.

Loki turned and began walking after them since he'd just been threatened with death and he already died once today so no thanks, maybe tomorrow.

A large roar was heard from the cloud as Loki walked, and he turned his head to see an animal head escaping the cloud. It had red eyes and a red light where the mouth was.

Loki turned his head away and just started walking faster.

The five, including the crocodile creature, walked quickly. Old man Loki led the way, Kid Loki behind him, and Unfamiliar Loki in the back. Regular Loki wasn't in the line, he was speeding along side the line.

They exited out of the abandoned city area and escaped the way of the storm. They wandered up and down hills, passing by very little that wasn't grass or sticks.

"I suggest we take a breather, so I can ask several thousand questions." Loki said after a good few minutes of speed walking.

"Gotta keep moving so we don't die." Old Loki replied.

"Yeah I know, but what's your plan?"

"Don't die."

"Okay, but beyond that?"

"Don't die."

"Don't die isn't a plan! It's a general demand of living."

The walked around a large boulder that looked a lot like a stone head. Creepy.

Loki stopped for a moment to speak.

"If you're Lokis, you should always have a plan."

The other four kept walking past him, ignoring his words.

"Will someone please explain to me, what the hell is going on!?" Loki finally shouted.

The four turned around to look at him, not looking too pleased.

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