24) For All Time

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Sylvie stood, facing the castle. She'd passed Alioth and now was awaiting her journey. Rocks floated around the trail, and the trail had many jagged rocks sitting around.

Part of her wished that she didn't push Loki or Wanda away, but this was better. They could do what they wanted to do, apparently burn the TVA to the ground, and she would do what she needed to. Kill whoever was behind all this.

She walked down the path, glancing around at the many rocks and flying colors throughout the world she'd entered. Something about it was actually quite calming. She wouldn't mind living in a place like this.

But that wasn't the focus right now.

Sylvie approached the door and stepped so that she was in kickings distance from it.

Then she paused.

She imagined Loki's voice telling her not to kick the door in, or Wanda's hand on her shoulder, encouraging her. She knew she wanted to do this, she just needed a pause.

Thousands of years going through apocalypse to apocalypse. Now she was at the final destination. It was a lot to get through her mind.

Sylvie took a breath and went to push the door open, but before she could, the door opened on it's own.

She paused again, a bit hesitant since now the person in charge of all this definitely knew she was here.

Good. They should know. They should be frightened as well.

Sylvie walked inside, moving with purpose since she didn't need to seem cowardly.

As soon as she was in, the door shut behind her on it's own.

The room she'd entered was dark with hints of purple through the stained glass windows, kind of like Alioth. Two large, ten foot statues were across the room as if they were guarding the next doorway.

Sylvie slowed a bit, her eyes scanning the room for any form of movement that may suggest where someone was.

It was quiet.

Very quiet.

The closer she walked to the center of the room, the more the purple faded into a blue light. She noticed that.

"Hey you!"

Sylvie pulled out her sword in a split second as soon as the orange clock appeared.

"You again?" She asked.

Miss Minutes had a blank smile that seemed quite unnerving.

Sylvie didn't move her sword away from the clock.

"Welcome to the Citadel at the End of Time. Congratulations!"

Sylvie began moving slowly around the clock, her sword still pointed at the thing as she went towards the next doorway.

"You had an awfully long journey to get here. He's impressed." The clock turned so that she was still facing Sylvie as she moved.

Sylvie gripped her sword a bit tighter.

"Who's impressed?"

"He Who Remains."

The clock stopped for a short moment to let that statement settle in the air. Sylvie spoke.

"And who is this.. he?"

"He created all and he controls all." The clock said happily. "At the end it is only He Who Remains."

Sylvie was almost all the way around the orange clock, her sword's end nearly stabbing into it.

"And he wants to offer you a deal." Miss Minutes continued.

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