Shafiz is born and Causes World Peace... And plots to kill me... Brutally

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Have you ever wondered how the Shafiz nations started? Well, it all began in 1863, when I was born. The world immediately rejoiced. All the wars ended. Everyone came to see what has come, they brought him gifts. They brought me an Xbox one, however, I threw it away because Xboxs suck. Playstations are better. Admit it. Or I will nuke you. Anyways, continuing. I warned Abraham Lincoln that he would be assassinated by John Wilkes Boothe at the theatre, however he was foolish and did not listen. And he died. So listen to Me, or you'll die. Years passed and no one bothered me as I planned to kill the ONE named David Larsen. I didn't know who it was, but I knew I had to kill him. The year 1914 came by and the world war started. I stayed in my base until 1918 when I found out there was a world war. I came out and the world rejoiced, again, and the war ended immediately. Children came to me and I read them stories such as the story of how the wolf eats the 3 pigs. I flew to the White House to speak with the president, Woodrow Wilson, about the making of Shafiz Nations.

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