The Death of Shafiz

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I walked around with Jackson and decided to walk into a cave with light. I walked in thinking Yolo. Jackson decided to follow along. We got tired later in the cave so we decided to make camp. We went to sleep that night happily. I woke up to the smell of bleach. Confused, I looked over to Jackson. As I looked around the cave looked... Shiny... I looked at Jackson and he was cleaning the walls with wiper fluid that he invented. We decide to walk down the cave further. As we walked, a blinding light appeared. I walked towards the light and saw something that looked like Santa's sleigh with a date input. I realized that it was another time machine. Me and Jackson got in and traveled to the time that was already in there. It took me to ancient Egypt. I walked around to explore and saw the pharaoh. I saw 3 large cubes and I was confused. I walked around and saw a man with hair that looked like mayo. I walked up to him and asked him who he was and he replied, "I am Simon, brother of the Pharaoh Tutankhamun". I stared in awe looking at his rags.
"You?!" I asked "But, you're dressed in rags!" And then I got stabbed in the heart and died. Everyone lived sadly after that because I couldn't stop anything from happening, so everything I've done was undone, and modern history was created. It was a dark time. But then there was the SECOND, Known as Shafiq, who was to carry on Shafiz's legacy.

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