Shafiz- A New Age

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I stayed in my house for the remainder of the day thinking about what I had done. Years past until I decided to go outside again. I wore a large hat to hide my face and took Michealangelo Francesco Allegro for a walk. I kept walking until I found something interesting, a police box. Not knowing what it did I walked inside. As I walked inside I found that it was bigger on the inside than it was outside. I saw control panels and machines all over. "Wow... This machinery it's so... Simple...." I knew what everything did, this was a time machine. I wanted to learn about dinosaurs, so I went back to that time. We ended up in a forest. I unsheathed my sword and cut through the vines with Michealangelo Francesco Allegro. At last we saw our first dinosaur, a pterodactyl. I crept towards it with my sword still in hand. I jumped onto it and it started screeching. I took my sword and stabbed it into his brain. I continued to slice through the entire body. Well, Michealangelo Francesco Allegro, we got dinner.that night we made a fire and cooked the pterodactyl meat, you wouldn't believe how good that tasted. We made camp by the nest that night. On the second day we woke up to what seemed to be an earthquake. We jumped up and ran. We ran until we realized what it really was. It was a T-Rex, we stopped running away from it and ran towards it. I knew it was my destiny to kill it. Michealangelo Francesco Allegro brought his katanas and ran towards the monster. We both sliced in unison first the leg, then we climbed up its body and sliced it neck, it began falling, but we both knew well that it was still alive. We stabbed his eyes and jumped off. We had defeated him. That day we went hunting one more time for a pterodactyl. Instead, we ended up back at the police box. We walked away until we heard a large crash. We turned around to see a triceratops destroying our way to return home. Michealangelo Francesco Allegro outraged and sliced the triceratops head off. That night we had more food than ever. We realized that we would have to live here until we returned back to our time. We waited and hunted and waited some more until a fire ball came flying from the sky. Michealangelo Francesco Allegro wanted the earth to stay intact so he made a choice that changed my life forever. He jumped towards the fireball and destroyed it. Rocks came flying down. Luckily the forest sheltered me, from all the rocks, as the rocks fell I saw a single body fall, obviously dead. I knew Michealangelo Francesco Allegro was dead. I felt manly tears streaming down my face, and my rage grew until I went insane. I took my sword and killed every single dinosaur. I had brought the dinosaurs to extinction, it was my fault. I sat there crying, and from my manly tears formed another man. I decided to call him Jackson Bidel. Of course, he wasn't as manly as me. May Michealangelo Francesco Allegro's memory be eternal.

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