Shafiz Meets Michelangelo Francesco Allegro

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I slept on a full stomach that night, I had a good sleep until I heard the doorbell ring. I ran to the door. There was a single basket with some crying coming out. I knew what it was, a baby. I could never take care of a baby. I lifted up the blanket slowly, and I saw it. It was hairy and wrapped in a black disguise with weapons on its every side and player playing baby noises. It was a ninja dog. I called him Michelangelo Francesco Allegro. He was Michelangelo Francesco Allegro the ninja dog. That day in the morning I took him for a walk, he stopped to poop. When he pooped, it was the most majestic thing I have ever seen. A cloud of rainbows passed on the sidewalk. Everyone watched Michelangelo Francesco Allegro poop. Jelly fruit snacks came out and people crowded around to get a taste. He felt invaded, so he took out his katana and sliced a man in half. However, nobody cared and they kept eating the jelly fruit snacks. Michelangelo Francesco Allegro learned to live with this. As I walked home something happened to Michelangelo Francesco Allegro, he started to change colors. I marveled at the sight. I knew he wasn't just a normal ninja dog.

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