Chapter 21

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//Chapter 21//

Steph's POV

I lay there on the rooftop for awhile before I hear the rooftop access door close.

I ignore it. I keep listening to the music playing. I feel a presence next to me so I open my eyes.

Sitting next to me was the one and only, Cameron Dallas. I know he apologize and I forgave him and everything but I still feel uneasy around him. I feel like if I let them back into my life, as friends this time, that I will be more hurt than before. And honestly I don't think I can handle that because if I'm torn right now, I can't even imagine what kind of state I'll be after this.

"Are you ok?" Cameron asks me.

I nod and sit up. I change the music and take a big gulp of my now empty Monster can. I open up another can and offer the unopened can to Cameron. He takes it out of my hand and thank me with a small smile.

"Why'd you run off?" he asks.

"First of all, I did not run off. I simply just walked out of the room. Second, I needed to get away from all that. Lastly, the sun is setting soon and I want to watch it." I said in a monotone.

"Mind if I join you?"

I just shrug. I check the time on my phone and it is now 4:30 pm. I lay down and close my eyes for a bit. I notice that the song now playing is Fallout by Catfish and the Bottlemen. (the song above lol)

I felt Cameron lay down next to me. I start to silently sing to the song.

"But we just always seem to just fallout ,

When I'm most in need of it.

And you just always seem to call out,

When I'm up for leaving it."

I open my eyes and see that Cameron is looking at me.

"What?" I say.

"Nothing. You just have a nice voice. I don't think I've heard you sing before." he says.

"That's because you haven't. Unless you watch me on YouTube or Vine or Instagram, but we both know for a fact that you or the other guys don't" I say, kind of harshly.


The sun was setting and it looks really beautiful. I drink some from my can.

"Why are you really here Cameron?"

"I just wanted to talk to you"

"About what?"

"About the high school and why we did it."

"I don't want to talk about that right now Cameron."

I got up and grabbed my speakers. I headed for the door and start to walk down the flights of stairs.

I finally make it to my floor and use my key to unlock my room. I walk inside and shut the door. I put my speakers to charge by the nightstand.

I go grab my MacBook and some snacks. I hop on my bed and put on Netflix. I put on Pretty Little Liars since season 5 is now on. I open a bag of potato chips and a bottle and Hubert's Lemonade.


I watch a couple episodes and start to drift off to sleep. The last thing I saw before I fell asleep was Chris and Brent going in the room with the others.

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