Chapter 15

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//Chapter 15//

Steph's POV •

After 20 minutes, we made it to the restaurant. We head inside and a waiter escorts us to our table all the way in the back.

We take a seat and I sit with Jack G on my right and Chris on my left. Brent's on the other side of Chris and Jack J is on the other side of Jack G.

The seating goes like this: Brent, Chris, me, Jack G, Jack J, Mahogany, Sam and across from us is Nash, Cameron, Matt, Carter, Shawn, Taylor, and Jc.

The waiter hands us our menus.

"What would you guys like to drink?" the waiter asks, smiling.

He has an accent that sounds Australian. It's kind of cute, to be honest. He has blondish hair with blue eyes.

Mahogany, Jack J, Matt, and Jc order water. Chris, Brent, Cameron, and Sam order sprite. The rest gets coke.

"And what can I get for you beautiful?" the waiter asks me, winking.

"I'll get a lemonade please' I say, smiling.

"I'll go get you guys your drinks" he says.

He walks away and I look at the group. The guys have a mad look on their face except Jack J, Brent, Aaron, and Jc. Mahogany is just sitting their looking at her phone. I wonder why. Oh well.

The waiter comes back and sets our drinks down.

"Now what would you guys like to eat?" he asks.

Shawn, Matt, Cameron, Brent, Chris Jack G, and Taylor order steak with mash potatoes. Jc, Sam, Carter, Jack J, and Aaron gets spaghetti. Mahogany gets a pasta salad.

"And for you beautiful?" he asks me.

"I'l get the shrimp fettuccine alfredo" I say, smiling at the waiter.

"I'll get you guys the food right away" he says, walking away but turns and shoots me a wink.

I blush and look down at my lap.

"Are you blushing?!?" Mahogany yelled.

"Mahogany! Be quiet!" I said.

After a few minutes, the waiter comes back and brings us our food. When he sets down my food, he whispers in my ear.

"Enjoy beautiful" he whispers.

I feel myself blush and look down at my lap. When I look back up, he is gone. I look around the table and it seems like Mahogany is the only one that saw what happened. She winks at me and then goes to eating her food. Everyone else already started eating when the food arrived. I start to eating my food.

Shawn's POV

When that waiter whispered in Steph's ear, I saw everything. I just didn't want it to seem like I care. But actually, I really do.

I've always liked Steph. I just never admitted it because the guys will beat me up if I did.

I don't know why I agreed to bully her back then. I guess I just wanted to fit in with the guys and gain popularity.

Now, we all feel really bad that we used to bully her. We been thinking of ways to make it up to her. We are going to do it at the first Magcon.

Steph's POV

We all finished eating and now the boys are just messing around and making vines. Mahogany and I been catching up on stuff.

"Dude, he's totally been checking you out this whole time" Mahogany says, all of a sudden.

"What are you talking about?" I say.

"That cute waiter over there" she says, pointing to the waiter from earlier.

I look over at the waiter and see that he's already looking at me. He smiles at me and I smile back.

"He is kind of cute, isn't he?" I say.


I look back at our table and see that all the guys have stopped messing around and are now looking at us.

"What?" I say to the guys.

"Aww wittle Stephy has a wittle crush on the waiter" Jack J says in a little annoying baby voice.

"Shut up Jack" I say with annoyance clear in my voice.

"No. I'm just gonna keep teasing you about this" he says back.

"How about I tease you with Amy? Remember her?"

"Steph shut up"

"Only if you shut up"


"Ok then"

"Are you guys ready to go or are you just gonna sit there all day?" Cameron asks.

I look over and see that they were getting up to go.

"Yea. Lets go" I say.

I gather up my stuff and get up but before I can reach Mahogany, the waiter comes and slips a piece of paper into my hands. I look back at him, confused, and all he does is smile.

"Have a nice day" he says.

I smile back at him and continue to walk to Mahogany. I reach Mahogany and she turns and nudges me.

"What?" I say.

"I totally saw that" she says, winking.

"Shut up Mahogany" I said.

We walked to the limo and got in. Everyone was already waiting for us in the limo. I look at the folded piece of paper in hand and unfold it.

Here's my number (xxx)xxx-xxxx

Call me sometimes

Luke xx

I get my phone and input his number in. I put his in as 'Luke 😍'.

We get back to the hotel and everyone goes to their rooms. I go to mine and see that Chris and Brent are already asleep on their beds, considering 10:30 already. They didn't even change yet.

I grab a pair of leggings and a tie-dye shirt. I go into the bathroom and remove all the makeup off. I strip out of my clothes and put on the new clothes I bought in.

After that, I brush my teeth and get out. I plug in my phone so it can charge. I grab my Macbook and click on Netflix. I put on American Horror Story. I watch a couple episodes then I start to doze off.

Omg! I finally updated. I'm really sorry for the long wait. A lot has been happening so I couldn't update. But I have plenty of ideas. Can't wait for you to read them. Anyways thanks for all the support. love you munchkins. 💕

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