Prologue (short)

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"Be careful what you wish for, you'll probably get it." 


This is my life, get up in the morning, go to work and go back home. My life is like any other person on this world. The only thing that keeps me entertained are video games and watching youtube. But what's the best of these, are SCP articles. SCP's are very cool to read, one of the reasons I like the SCP Foundation is that I really like lore from games and other communities but especially from the SCP community. With that aside, back to my Point of view at work.

-Y/N's POV-

Boss: "Here *slaps a stack of papers on my desk*. I want these finished this week, and no excuses!" he says before walking to the door and slamming the door close.

Y/N: "*sigh*Just as I finished the other stack of papers" I whispered angry to myself

-Timeskip 4 hours-

Well, at work, there is nothing special about it. Come to work, finish the given work for today and go home. 'Wow, I really need to make a change in my life' I thought at the drive back home. At least work is done for today. 

-another small Timeskip-

At home I just walked straight to my PC, sat on my chair and booted up one of my favourite games.

Y/N: "Finally, inner peace" I softly say to myself, while I succumb to the softness of the chair. Finding a match on the game was pretty time consuming, but managable. Nethertheless I got into the game. Rounds started pretty good with me being mostly on the top 3 of the leaderboard, however everything must come to an end and that end came unpleasant.

Y/N: "*heavy breathing* JUST FUCKING DIE ALREADY YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" I yell into the microphone while mentally preventing to throw my mouse against the wall.

Spawncamper: "Make me bitch!" he taunted me in the voice channel with a smug voice

After many failed attempts killing him, I did what any other person would do. I left the game.

Y/N: "Fuck this, I needed to get off this game to eat eventually. The game isn't the same anymore since launch." I sigh and stretch myself with a satisfying pop in the end, before making my way to the kitchen. 'What should I eat today, maybe french toast?' I thought. I take out cheese and toast put them together and lay them on a frying pan and wait. 'Should I check the internet? Hmmm.... Yeah, ok.' 

-Timeskip 3 minutes after scrolling through the internet-

Y/N: "Maybe something happened on the news?" After opening google searching for news, I find nothing interesting to say the least. "Maybe some news on the communities I'm in? *searching through the internet for a while* Nope, same as always...." I say while taking a bite of my sandwich. 

After checking the time today I realize it's already evening. 'Fuck, how come it's so late so fast?' I thought confusingly. I got up from the desk where I was eating, placed the dirty dishes I made in the sink and went to bed.

Y/N: 'I really want something interesting to happen in my life, it's so boring doing every day the same routine. I wish I was somewhere doing something not any other person could normally do. Maybe be in the SCP universe working alongside the SCP Foundation or other Groups Of Interests, like The Chaos Insurgency or The Serpent Hand? That would be cool, but as how compelling as it sounds, it will never happen, I just know it.' I thought deep inside me, be that as it may, I was definitely convinced that something like that will never happen

-3rd POV-

Or so he thought, because somewhere, something has heard his wish and "it" was in a great mood today. So it sent him to his desired destination and with a special power that it knows he will probably need it. 'I wonder what will occur? I think I need to explain everything on a letter after he wakes up.' it thought after sending you to a different dimension. On that day everything changed for you, may it be for the good or the bad, besides, it was your wish and you should be careful what you wish for.

(A/n: I know it was a short chapter for that amount of waiting time, I just had a lot of work to do. And I also wanted to say that constructive critiscism is greatly appreciated, because english is not my native language and this is the first story I am writing, so, sorry if you got false expectations along the journey of the story. Also, future chapters will be definitely longer than this one, definitely. So no worries if you think it will be like this on the future chapters from this story. Furthermore I wanted to add that you can still write which person or entity your love interest/interests will be, it will be decided just one paragraph under this sentence.)

(Add love interest/interests to the story (can be genderbends if you want to))

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